Adventure in Computational Thinking CSE 3 Adventure in Computational Thinking Fluency with Information Technology By Erinn Kuehne Making Information Available to the World with HTML and Web Pages Desktop Publishing with MS Word Presentation of Information with MS PowerPoint Making Information Available to the World with HTML and Web Pages We learned how to effectively use MS word to design a webpage. We used this information to create a webpage that presented our career and background. We learned how to code HTML to put information on and create webpages. We learned to imbed links on our website and the basics to organize information on a webpage. One instance is when we created a calendar with links and pictures. Computational Thinking Through out this class we have been learning how to create, organize, and present data visually so then other people can see and understand our work. We used computers as tools to manipulate our data or compute it. Dynamic Webpage Programming with JavaScript Data Analysis and Visualization with MS Excel Here we learned how to put everything we learned in class together. Instead of presenting information, we made the information interact with the user interface. We recalled functions such as loops, functions, and alert messages to change information on a webpage. Our final project was a Blackjack game. We used Excel to organize and present data. In these labs we managed a budget as well as a stock portfolio. By presenting data visually we got to see which aspects were most important, such as where we spend the most and which stock were the most successful. Visual Programing with Alice We learned how to make short animated movies in Alice. The method to use Alice such as Parameters, Methods, and Classes, helped to prepare us to deal with JavaScript. We created movies where we manipulated frogs as well as a clock.