Fig. 2. Distribution of vitamin D levels of all samples by Siemens, Abbott, and DiaSorin. The mean (SD) of Siemens, Abbott, and DiaSorin assays was 23.09 (10.41), 16.75 (11.26), and 16.76 (9.32), respectively. Siemens (■), Abbott (▲), and DiaSorin (♦) indicate the ADVIA Centaur vitamin D total assay of Siemens, the Architect 25-OH vitamin D assay of Abbott, and the LIAISON 25 OH vitamin D total assay of DiaSorin, respectively. Fig. 2. Distribution of vitamin D levels of all samples by Siemens, Abbott, and DiaSorin. The mean (SD) of Siemens, Abbott, and DiaSorin assays was 23.09 (10.41), 16.75 (11.26), and 16.76 (9.32), respectively. Siemens (■), Abbott (▲), and DiaSorin (♦) indicate the ADVIA Centaur vitamin D total assay of Siemens, the Architect 25-OH vitamin… Lab Med Online. 2017 Jul;7(3):120-127.