Parent Orientation Night! Parkview Elementary Parent Orientation Night!
Introductions Doreen Krebs, Principal Yolanda James, Assistant Principal Angel Magruder, Assistant Administrator Jennifer Plocek, Campus Coach – Title I Monique Barnett, Counselor Stephanie Starleaf, RN – School Nurse Grade Level / SPED Teachers Support Teachers (ISTs and SPED)
Title I, Part A Defined: Title I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended (ESEA) provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. Assistance = Funding!
Title I - Budget How Much Money Does Parkview Receive? Parkview is receiving $240,268.00. See the budget breakdown on the next slide:
Title I, Part A- Benefits Two Teacher Salaries Three Title I Tutors (Reading and Math) Extra Duty Pay – LEAP Academy Parent Involvement – Strong Fathers, Strong Families (mothers, too) Mandatory training/travel – Title I conf. Supplies: Books, materials, etc…
Title I Committee Needed! We need your input: Parent Involvement Policy Parent-Student-Teacher Compact Please consider signing up – I need at least 4-6 parents: Meetings held at 5:30, dates TBA.
Parkview Accountability We MET STANDARD! Index 1: Percentage Passing ALL tests (R,M, and W) Index 2: Percentage who met or exceeded progress (fourth only) Index 3: Student group gap analysis Index 4: STAAR Postsecondary Readiness (% Met Level II) Year Index 1 Index 2 Index 3 Index 4 2016 71/60 35/32 37/28 39/12 2015 72/60 40/30 40/28 26/12 2014 (IR) 65/55 30/33 31/28 20/12 2013 69/50 36/30 70/55 NA
Points to Ponder… Partnership – Key for your child’s success! Attendance – 90% of the school year (at least 160 days): Recognized vs Unrecognized. Call when children are absent 817-744-5540. Tardy is any miss of the school day that is NOT doctor related. Arrivals: K-1 (auditorium); 2-4 (big gym). 7:25 AM doors open. 7:45 AM – first bell. 7:55 AM – tardy bell. Breakfast eaters should arrive as close to 7:25 AM as possible (enter the front doors) Please DO NOT drop your children off before 7:20 AM.
Points to Ponder Dismissal: Four different ways. All at once. Security is our number one focus. No easy way… Rules of the Road Reminders: No cell phones, no U-turns, no j-walking, proper seat belts and child restraints, and no double lane on Bayberry.
Points to Ponder… Cafeteria: Balances, Charges. Deposits in cash (clearly labeled envelope) or Parent Online for credit or debit payments. Parents in cafeteria: Please do not enter the food line with your scholar – slows the process. You may enter in between classes. ROCK: Reaching Out with Character and Kindness! Nurse: IHP, Illness (non-medicated, fever free for 24 hours). Allergies, Tummy aches, etc… Parent-Teacher Association – Please Join!
Questions? Office: 817-744-5500