Chapter 10 Sexuality & Gender
Relationships Look at attraction through the P.I.E.S. model. Using Physiological Vs Psychological components. P = Physical I = Intellectual E = Emotional S = Social Sexuality Chemical (Physiological) Psychological
P.I.E.S Model Chemical Responsible for 52% divorce rate We choose our mate(s) through smell Pheromones: 100 + natural body oils secreted through our skin & picked up by others Perfume = Artificial Pheromones 1. Similarity Like the same things (workout, movies, food, same sexual activities) No Boundaries Genetics have NO boundaries Mother Nature wants you to procreate; she does not care who you hook-up with Money, looks, color: does not matter One-Night-Stands Love is blinde 2. Proximity We tend to be attracted to others geographically near us “Absence does not make the heart grow fonder” Physically Men & women are different when selecting a mate 3. Characteristics Find things you like about the individual (confident, hardworking, kind) Opposites attract = myth Bring Together 4. Rewards What is mine is yours Physical Intellectual, Emotional, Social: Helps stay together
Men & Women Differ when Selecting a Mate Externally Internally Women Men E (Emotional) V (Visual) T (Touch) N (Nasal) N (Nasal) V (Visual) E (Emotional) T (Touch)
How Men & Women Differ Women Men Men like to have sex first; talk second Women like to talk first Men are highly visual Women are more emotional Men are “physically” touchy feely Women tend to put touch last Men fall in love with what they “see” Women have more at stake then men Men are 75% testosterone & 25% estrogen Women are 75% estrogen & 25% testosterone
Psychological Side How to Stay Together (4 C’s) 1. Communication Be Upfront Be Honest Listen 2. Change One has to be willing to change lifestyles 3. Compromise Give & Take Share 4. Commitment Marriage or Union Remember: You will always find others attractive and someone will always find you attractive. This does not mean one always needs to take action on attraction.