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Presentation transcript:

Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Title Page Below are some simple instructions on how to use this template: 1. You can change the text in the graphical screen above or in the outline area to the left. 2. There is one default background that is indicated by “--------” .This slide acts as a space or a blank screen, use to clear or blank the screen. If you have a large graphic such as a map you could also use this screen. If you insert a new slide you will get this default background. 3. The first five slides have the other backgrounds for the set. To use more than one of these background types in your presentation highlight the one you wish to use and choose copy from the edit menu. Paste this slide where you want it to appear in your presentation, then change the text on this new slide. By copy/pasting the slide in this manor you will keep the background, text formatting and the customized animation from that slide. By using the copy/paste method you find it saves you time and keeps a consistent look through out your presentation. 4.There are a few additional notes written in the slide text wording that may be helpful. Note: We are working on a website that in the future will provide help topics on using sermon outlines in PowerPoint as well as provide sermon templates similar to this one. Check for more information.

Memory Verse John 14:2, “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.”

“I am going” EGO HUPAGO “go, go one’s way, go away, depart”.

Futuristic Present - the anticipation of what Christ is about to do as if it were a present reality; depart to establish their eternal abode.

“you know” – OIDA Perfect, Active, Indicative, 2nd Person, Plural, “to have seen or perceived, to know or understand”.

Perfect with Present Force They learned this information in the past and they just need to cycle the doctrine resident within their soul.

KURIOS - “Lord”, indicates His deity, and that here is a saved disciple.

“We do not know” OUK OIDA “We do not know” OUK OIDA. Their ignorance is due to a lack of application of Bible doctrine. Negligence on the output side that leads to disorientation to the Plan of God.

Disorientation to the Plan of God results in disorientation to everything else in life.

“How are we able to know the way “How are we able to know the way?” Ignorance of Bible Doctrine soon reveals materialistic viewpoint, not seeing the bigger spiritual picture.

I AM… 1) The way - HO HODOS, the entrance into and residence inside the Plan of God for your life.

2) The truth - HO ALTHEIA, the power of Bible Doctrine in the soul to execute the Plan of God. The embodiment of knowledge and truth, therefore absolute truth.

Doctrine is the mind of Christ, 1 Cor 2:16; Psa 138:2, the most important thing after you enter the Plan of God.

Psa 138:2, “I will bow down toward Your holy temple and give thanks to Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; for You have magnified Your word above Your name.”

3) The life – HO ZOE, the eternal spiritual life given to those who enter through Bible Doctrine and the function of that life that comes from the truth.

The objective of all doctrine is to take the unbeliever to salvation, and the believer to the supergrace life.

“Eye of the Needle” or “Narrow Gate”, (Mat 7:13-14; 19:23; Luke 18:25), plus execution of the Plan of God for your life.

Jesus had previously called himself “the life” to Martha, (John 11:25), and “the door” to the Pharisees, (John 10:7), and “the light of the world”, (John 8:12). He also spoke “the way of God in truth”, (Mark 12:14).

“To the Father” PROS TON PATER Face to face with the Father “To the Father” PROS TON PATER Face to face with the Father. 1 Thes 4:13-18; 2 Cor 5:8

Vs 6, “Jesus said to him, I keep on being the entrance, the doctrine, the function of life: no one comes face to face with the Father, except through me.”

1. In His person, as God manifest in the flesh, we come to the Father through His atoning sacrifice where He is our Advocate in time. 1 John 2:1

2. He is the Truth, as fulfilling all the prophecies of a Savior, by which when the unbeliever believes he comes to the Father by the Way of Him…

… and then can execute the Father’s Plan by means of His Spirit and Word – The Truth.

3. He is the Life, by whose life-giving Spirit the dead in sin are made alive. No one can come face to face with their Father who is not made alive by Him as the Life, and taught by Him as the Truth.

4. By Jesus Christ, as the Way, our prayers go to the Father, John 14:13-14, and His blessings come to us; this is the Way that leads to rest.

5. He is the Resurrection and the Life. John 11:25-26

Upper Room Discourse, Part 260 Grace Fellowship Church Tuesday, May 5, 2009 Tape # 09-028 The Way, Truth and Life Upper Room Discourse, Part 260 John 14:4-6; 11:25-26; Psa 138:2; Mat 7:13-14   James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2009