for they know not what they do.”


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Presentation transcript:

for they know not what they do.” Sayings From The Cross “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” ➩ These words constitute a prayer. ➩ This is a prayer of intercession... for His enemies!

All who were involved in Jesus’ death! Who Was Jesus Praying For? Y e s ! ✓ The Roman soldiers? ✓ The jeering crowd? All who were involved in Jesus’ death! ✓ Pilate & Herod? ✓ The Jewish leaders?

All who were involved in Jesus’ death! Does this not include us? All who were involved in Jesus’ death! What put Jesus on the cross was the sin of Adam’s race...

for they know not what they do.” Sayings From The Cross “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” ➩ These words constitute a prayer. ➩ This is a prayer of intercession for His enemies. ➩ Sin’s power to deceive.

for they know not what they do.” Sayings From The Cross “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” ➩ Sin’s power to blind us to our need for Jesus.

Lovingly & freely given Sayings From The Cross “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” ➩ The many facets of forgiveness: The temperament of forgiveness The extent of forgiveness The cost of forgiveness Lovingly & freely given Anyone & Everyone Jesus’ life!