Hypothalamus “Blood Chemist” – reads blood levels of various compounds and reacts to adjust Typically sends Releasing Hormones or Inhibiting Hormones
Got Growth?
HYPOTHALAMUS Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone ANTERIOR PITUITARY Growth Hormone Body cells to divide – speed up cell cycle (growth)
Acromegaly GH hypersecretion
Gigantism and midget “ism”
Got Milk?
HYPOTHALAMUS Prolactin Inhibiting Hormone ANTERIOR PITUITARY Prolactin Milk production
Got Energy?
HYPOTHALAMUS Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone ANTERIOR PITUITARY Thyroid Stimulating Hormone THYROID GLAND Increase metabolism of proteins, carbs, & lipids Thyroxines (T3 & T4)
Grave’s disease - hyperthyroidism Toxic Goiter
Hyperthyroidism – endemic goiter
Cretinism - hypothyroidism
Got Calcium? PTH (Calcitrol) Calcitonin
HYPOTHALAMUS Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone ANTERIOR PITUITARY THYROID GLAND Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Increases BLOOD Calcium (releases Ca2+) Calcitonin PARATHYROID Reduces BLOOD Calcium (stores Ca2+) Parathyroid Hormone
Hypocalcemia Carpopedal spasm
Got Eggs/Sperm?
HYPOTHALAMUS Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Gonadotropin Inhibiting Hormone ANTERIOR PITUITARY PINEAL BODY LeutenizingHormone Follicle Stimulating Hormone Stimulates ovulation/sexual maturity in males & females
Got Metabolism?
HYPOTHALAMUS Corticotropin Releasing Hormone ANTERIOR PITUITARY Adrenocorticotropin Hormone Stimulates release of hormones from ADRENAL CORTEX Male type, may turn to female Adrenal Sex Hormones Cortisol Carb metabolism Aldosterone Conserve sodium, excrete potassium
Cushing’s ACTH hypersecretion
Addison’s disease ACTH hyposecretion
Got Water? Got Contractions?
HYPOTHALAMUS POSTERIOR PITUITARY Antidiuretic Hormone Oxytocin Tells KIDNEYS to conserve water Stimulates contraction of uterus, ejects milk, ejaculation of sperm – POSITIVE FEEDBACK SYSTEM
Antidiuretic Hormone Disorders Hyposecretion = Diabetes insipidus – no glucose in urine
1st two pages of the study sheets 10 questions QUIZ TIME! 1st two pages of the study sheets 10 questions
Name the hormone or organ described (no abbreviations) 1. This hormone controls cell size/cell cycle. 2. This hormone stimulates the secretion of hormones from the thyroid. 3. This hormone stimulates the secretion of hormones from the adrenal cortex. 4. This hormone reduces water excretion from the kidney. 5. This hormone contracts the uterus, ejects milk, and stimulates ejaculation.
Quiz (continued) 6. The hormone melatonin is produced by what gland? 7. What causes Graves Disease? 8. This hormone affects the release of the hormone prolactin. 9. What is the target organ of most hypothalamus secretions? 10. Acromegaly is the hypersecretion of what hormone?
Answer Time! 1. Growth hormone 2. Thyroid stimulating hormone 3. Adrenocorticotropin Hormone 4. Antidiuretic Hormone 5. Oxytocin 6. Pineal gland 7. Hyperthyroidism Hyper TRH Hyper TSH Hyper Thyroxines 8. Prolactin inhibiting hormone 9. Anterior pituitary 10. Growth hormone
Non-brain triggered hormone secretions Thymosins Blood sugar-related Insulin Glucagon Adrenaline Epinephrine Norepinephrine
Got Immunity?
THYMUS GLAND (ABOVE HEART) Thymosins General Immunity for Body
Got Sugar?
PANCREAS Glucagon Insulin Tells liver to RELEASE glucose, raises blood sugar Tells cells to ACCEPT glucose, lowers blood sugar
Diabetes Mellitus Insulin hyposecretion – sugar in urine Hypersecretion = “insulin shock”
Got Adrenaline?
ADRENAL MEDULLA Norepinephrine Epinephrine Stimulates body activity – increases metabolism
Body Effects