The Quest for a Pocket-sized Bubble Chamber


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Presentation transcript:

The Quest for a Pocket-sized Bubble Chamber Medipix 2: The Quest for a Pocket-sized Bubble Chamber Ryan Field – North Carolina State University Mentor – Erik Heijne

Outline Motivation Review of Medipix2’s features The experiment Results Conclusions CERN REU Ryan Field


Motivation Demonstrate use of Medipix for tracking particles Calculate muon energy deposition Produce nice tracks with pion interactions. CERN REU Ryan Field

Medipix2 Review

Medipix2 Hybrid pixel detector 250 nm CMOS processing CERN REU Ryan Field

Medipix2 SEM Image of the bumps on the CMOS chip. CERN REU Ryan Field

Medipix2 Pixel-wise and global threshold adjustment – equalization Adjustable shutter length Capable of ~3 fps CERN REU Ryan Field

The Experiment

The Experiment Parasitic beam tests thanks to CALICE Use 2 detectors Track muons Compute S-curve See pion interactions CERN REU Ryan Field


Results Muon tracks Delta-rays Threshold adjustment CERN REU Ryan Field

Results CERN REU Ryan Field

Results CERN REU Ryan Field


Conclusions Thin Si detector can be used to gain additional information on particle tracks. Compared to a 15 ft. bubble chamber, this device is 1/2000th of the size. Additional work will be needed in order to make truly 3-D and to trigger on events. CERN REU Ryan Field

Thank you National Science Foundation University of Michigan CERN Erik Heijne Michael Campbell Xavi Llopart Medipix Collaboration Ford Motor Company CALICE Group CERN REU Ryan Field

Questions? CERN REU Ryan Field

CERN REU Ryan Field