2017 TYPE OF WORK FY 2017 SUMMARY MILEAGE LONG TERM FINANCING FEDERAL / STATE AIDS COUNTY LEVY LOCAL SOURCES OTHER SOURCES TOTAL COST ADT P CTH Z -- Portage County Line to STH 49 0.26 $61,700 200 CTH E -- CTH B to STH 161 5.09 $930,400 $232,600 $1,163,000 1,570 CTH MM -- Portage County Line to STH 49 2.01 $315,000 160 CTH K -- Tower Road to CTH KK 5.66 $357,650 $122,350 $480,000 200 CTH OO -- CTH 110 to CTH O 3.26 $690,200 155 *PE Preliminary Engineering *RW Right of way acquisition *C Construction *P Paving *B Bridge *ADT Average Daily Traffic
2017 TYPE OF WORK FY 2017 SUMMARY MILEAGE LONG TERM FINANCING FEDERAL / STATE AIDS COUNTY LEVY LOCAL SOURCES OTHER SOURCES TOTAL COST ADT P CTH Q -- USH 10 to STH 49 5.83 $708,650 360 CTH Q -- STH 54 to USH 10 2.32 $166,800 $388,800 $555,600 370 PE CTH W -- Readfield to New London 8.07 $120,000 $30,000 $150,000 1,600 C/P CTH K -- Rural Road to STH 22 2.51 $1,700,000 2,250 *PE Preliminary Engineering *RW Right of way acquisition *C Construction *P Paving *B Bridge *ADT Average Daily Traffic
2017 Totals MILEAGE LONG TERM FINANCING FEDERAL / STATE AIDS COUNTY LEVY LOCAL SOURCES OTHER SOURCES TOTAL COST 35.01 $4,000,000 $1,050,400 $773,750 $5,824,150 2017 Goals PE Our goal is 5.0 miles - 8.07 miles RW Our goal is 5.0 miles - 0.00 miles C Our goal is 5.0 miles - 2.51 miles P Our goal is 17.0 miles - 26.94 miles *PE Preliminary Engineering *RW Right of way acquisition *C Construction *P Paving
Portage County Line to STH 49 2017 CTH “E” CTH “B” to STH 161 Paving Scheduled for 2017 CTH “MM” Portage County Line to STH 49 Paving Scheduled for 2017 CTH “Q” USH 10 to STH 49 Paving Scheduled for 2017 Add why it is being constructed and paved. Add picture(s) Additional pages of pictures can be added if needed for years with several projects CTH “Z” Portage County Line to STH 49 Paving Scheduled for 2017 CTH “K” Tower Rd. to CTH “KK” Paving Scheduled for 2017