Remaining items (per module) for panel construction (mostly Fabien) Drift HV feedthrough ? Spiders for HC grounding ? (in SM1)
SM1 Item Quantity Type / Design Priority Drawing ref Alignment pin 2 Baseline / Cerioni Alignment insert 2 (1 circle + 1 slot) BL / Cerioni RO Spacer frame slotted insert 1 BL / Ponsot Reinforcement washer 5 (4+1 for spacer frame insert) BL / Cerioni + Ponsot Interconnections 4 sets Cerioni Drift Mesh corners 16 (4 x 4) SM1 / SM2 Gas-gap corners SM1 (4 designs?) Copper ground strips 6 4 top / 2 bot (?) O-ring 28 m - Inox gas pipe 6.5 m Cern Outlet 16 Inlet pipe 12 Manifold Gas connectors FEB pin insert 40 SM1/INFN
SM2 Item Quantity Type / Design Priority Drawing ref Alignment pin 2 SM2 / Hertenberger Alignment insert 2 (1 circle + 1 slotted) Spacer frame circular insert SM2 / Ponsot Reinforcement washer 6 Precision washers for board positioning 24 (12 circle + 12 slots) RO Assembly insert 4 (2 V + 2 L) Interconnections 6 sets BL + SM2 / Cerioni + Hertenberger? Drift Mesh corners 16 (4 x 4) SM1 / SM2 Copper ground strips 9 5 top / 4 bot ? O-ring 24 m - Inox gas pipe 12 m Cern Outlet 16 Inlet pipe 12 Manifold Gas connectors FEB pin insert 24 SM2/Hertenberger
LM1 Item Quantity Type / Design Priority Drawing ref Alignment pin 2 BL / Cerioni Alignment insert 2 (1 circle + 1 slot) Spacer frame slotted insert 1 BL / Ponsot Reinforcement washer 5 (4+1 for spacer frame insert) BL / Cerioni + Ponsot Precision washers for board positioning 40 (12 circle + 12 slots) LM1 / Saclay RO Assembly insert 10 (5 V + 5 L) Drift Interconnections 6 sets Cerioni Mesh corners 16 (4 x 4) LM1 Gas-gap corners 16 (4x4) LM1 (4 designs) RO panel corners 8 (4x2) Drift panel corners 12 LM1 (1 top / 1 bot – symmetry?) Copper ground strips 7 5 top / 2 bot O-ring 30 m - Inox gas pipe 10 m Cern Outlet 16 Gas connectors FEB pin insert 40 LM1/Saclay
LM2 Item Quantity Type / Design Priority Drawing ref Alignment pin 2 LM2 / Cern Washers for pin positioning 4 Nut for alignment pin fixation Screwing plastic inserts ? (number of holes?) Drift + RO Interconnections 6 sets BL / Cerioni Drift RO panel corners 8 (2x4) LM2 / Cern (2 designs) RO Drift panel corners 12 Copper ground strips 10 5 top / 5 bot O-ring 28 m - Inox gas pipe 16 m Cern Outlet 16 Inlet pipe Gas connectors FEB pin insert 24 LM2/Cern
What next? Goal: early start production Check numbers & priority items; Prepare “preliminary1” drawings for an informal offer by end June (doable?) Do “final2” drawings by mid-July preliminary is before the 3D model is frozen final is after 3D model is finished (in the assumption differences between preliminary & final) are small.