The Formal Essay Review Game
Pass the Board Review Game List the steps in the introductory paragraph – 5pts Hook, Topic Intro, Topic Background, Thesis Define a thesis statement A complete sentence that contains a debatable idea about a topic. What are two requirements (or musts) of a thesis statement? Must be one complete sentence, must be a debatable topic What is the formula for a thesis statement? Stance + (because) + reasons Name two purposes of a thesis statement (for writers or readers) Gives the writer direction, lets your reader know what your essay will be about
Pass the Board Review Game List the steps in a body paragraph-5 pts Topic sentence, Explanation of topic, Evidence, Explanation of evidence, conclusion, repeat process for all b. paragraphs What is a hook statement? A sentence that captures your reader’s attention Give three strategies for writing a hook statement Interesting fact, quote, anecdote, brief overview Using your thesis formula, write a thesis for – school sports – 5pts- best answer!
Pass the Board Review Game What is the definition of a topic sentence? A sentence that explains the idea you will discuss in that one body paragraph What is the purpose of a body paragraph? Prove and support ideas in your thesis statement How should in-text citations be introduced? With a signal phrase List the steps in the conclusion paragraph – 5 pts. Restate thesis, recap main points, clincher
Pass the Board Review Game What is the purpose of the clincher? To give your audience something to think about What is the first step in writing an essay? Developing a thesis statement List 4 types of context clues. Definition, synonym, antonym, example, cause/ effect, compare/ contrast In the following passage, introduce 2 in-text citations in MLA format.
The Giver by Lois Lowery It was almost December, and Jonas was beginning to be frightened. No. Wrong word, Jonas thought. Frightened meant that deep, sickening feeling of something terrible about to happen. Frightened was the way he had felt a year ago when an unidentified aircraft had overflown the community twice. He had seen it both times. Squinting toward the sky, he had seen the sleek jet, almost a blur at its high speed, go past, and a second later heard the blast of sound that followed. Then one more time, a moment later, from the opposite direction, the same plane. Page 3