Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride
Two Minute Edit Which word is the antonym of famous? known favorite fabulous unknown
Goals Reading Goal: SWBAT identify how the author uses characterization. Writing Goal: SWBAT respond to a text-related question. Team Cooperation Goal: In my team, everyone will participate.
Check Yourself Day 2 Self Do you know how to Pronounce the word Know the definition Say it in your own sentence
Vocabulary consider unusual celebrated elegant greeted amusing
consider Definition- think about Sentence- Before you talk in line consider the consequences.
unusual Definition- strange Sentence- Leo felt unusual to write with his left hand.
celebrated Definition- famous Sentence- Kobe Bryant is a celebrated basketball player.
elegant Definition-fancy Sentence- The cake was decorated with elegant flower decorations.
greeted Definition- met in a friendly way Sentence- Bart greeted us to the opening of the Simpson ride.
amusing Definition- funny Sentence- The audience laughed at the characters amusing acts in the play.
Review Vocabulary with Partner Can you say it? Can you define it? Can you say it in a sentence?
Vocabulary Vault
Build Background Summarize what has happened in the story. What is your prediction/evidence. Team Question How dos the author characterize Amelia Earhart and Eleanor Roosevelt?
Characterization We understand characters by learning about the behavior, including what they say and do. Good readers pay attention to characterization to understand stories better.
Listening Comprehension Remember that Peter has made friends with Alex in Princeton. Page 63-73 Listen for characterization in the text. Mrs. Hildebrandt
Team Talk Describe the setting. Eleanor loves the scarf Amelia gives her because- What can you conclude about Eleanor from this passage? The other guests all lean closer to Amelia because-
Partner Read and Silent Read- 15 minutes Put 2 sticky notes on words that are new or unfamiliar to you Read and restate pages 568 Read page 569 silently Discuss with team words you clarified find vocabulary words
#1 Reads the Question #2 Answers the Question #3 Agrees or disagrees with evidence from the text #4 Summarizes what the groups discussed
Class Discussion What words did your group clarify? Lets discuss our Team Talk Questions
Team Talk Describe the setting. Eleanor loves the scarf Amelia gives her because- What can you conclude about Eleanor from this passage? The other guests all lean closer to Amelia because-
A.I.W What is the most interesting or beautiful thing you have ever seen? Describe it.
Scoring Guide You answer the question 25 points Your answer explains or describes with at least two details 25 points Your answer makes sense and has Part of the question in it 20 points Your answer is written in complete, correct sentences 20 points Your writing has correct capitalization and punctuation 10 points
Vocabulary Practice Multiple Choice Practice
Fluency – 2 min Pg 566
Fluency Rubric 100 points Expressiveness Smoothness Rate and correctness 90 points Smoothness 80 points Rate and correctness 70 points Correctness