FHWA Planning Data Resources: Census Data Planning Products (CTPP) HEPGIS Interactive Mapping Portal Jeremy Raw, P.E. FHWA, Office of Planning, Systems.


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Presentation transcript:

FHWA Planning Data Resources: Census Data Planning Products (CTPP) HEPGIS Interactive Mapping Portal Jeremy Raw, P.E. FHWA, Office of Planning, Systems Planning and Analysis August 2017

Outline Census Data Planning Products (CTPP) Future Data: ARNOLD and TMAS Bicycle/Pedestrian Counts HEPGIS Online Data Explorer

What is the CTPP? A set of special tabulations designed by transportation planners using large sample surveys conducted by the Census Bureau  Decennial Census Historic Urban Transportation Planning Package (UTPP): 1970 UTPP, 1980 UTPP, 1990 UTPP 2000 CTPP American Community Survey 2006-2008 CTPP, 2006-2010 CTPP (Current) Future products – 2012-2016 CTPP (late 2018) The CTPP is a set of special tabulations designed by transportation planners using large sample surveys conducted by the Census Bureau. -From 1970 to 2000, the CTPP and its predecessor, UTPP, used data from the decennial census long form. The decennial census long form has now been replaced with a continuous survey called the American Community Survey (ACS). Therefore, the current 2006-2010 CTPP uses the ACS 5-year sample for the special tabulation. --------------------------------------------------------------

American Community Survey (ACS) Background info about Decennial Census: The ACS replaced the decennial census “long form” and requires accumulation of data over multiple years for small area tabulation The Census Bureau used two different forms to collect Census 2000 data. A short form with seven basic questions went to all households and a long form with these same questions and additional questions went to a sample of households. The information that is tabulated from the questions asked of every person and housing unit is called the 100-percent or short-form data.   The long-form questionnaire included the same seven population and housing questions plus additional inquiries. This is called either the sample data, or the long-form data. DEFINITIONS: 100% Data - Population and housing information collected for all living quarters in the United States. Census - A complete enumeration (count) of a population or the business and commercial establishments, farms, or governments in an area. Long form - The decennial census questionnaire containing 100 percent and sample questions. Sample data - Detailed social, economic, and housing information collected on the long form from a selected portion of all housing units and people living in group quarters. The 1990 census sampled approximately 15 percent of the nation's population and 16 percent of its housing units. See 100 percent data. Short form - The decennial census questionnaire containing only the 100 percent questions.

What’s in CTPP? Data on Households Data on Workers Size, income, vehicles per household Data on Workers Age and gender, occupations, earnings Data on Journey to Work Usual mode to work, commuting time, work departure time Data on Workplaces Work locations, times of arrival at work

Geographies and Structure Residence Based (Part 1) State Minor civil division (MCD) Place County Metropolitan Statistical Area Metropolitan Statistical Area – Each Principal City Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMA) Urban Area Tract Traffic Analysis District (TAD) Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) Workplace Based (Part 1) Place of Work (POW) State POW MCD POW Place POW County POW Metropolitan Statistical Area POW Metropolitan Statistical Area – Each Principal City POW PUMA POW Urban Area TAD TAZ Work Flow State – State State – County County – County PUMA – PUMA Tract – Tract TAD – TAD TAZ – TAZ MCD – Minor civil division PUMA – Public Use Microdata Areas: Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) are statistical geographic areas defined for the dissemination of Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) data.  Contain at least 100,000 people TAD – Traffic Analysis District TAZ- Traffic Analysis Zone POW – Place of Work Why no smaller geography? In order to balance geographic resolution, temporal frequency, statistical significance, and respondent privacy, the CTPP geography is available at TAZ level (317,526 in total). - the resolution of TAZ geography is similar to the smallest geography (block group) available in ACS, which has in total 220,334.

Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) Geographies PUMA Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) County Work Flow STATE Maps in order are: -State -Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) -County - PUMA

Geographies TAZ TAD TRACT Maps in order are: Tract (eg. In DC) Traffic Analysis District (TAD) (eg. In DC) TAZ (eg. In DC)

ftp://data5.ctpp. transportation.org/ Accessing CTPP Data Website ctpp.transportation.org FTP ftp://data5.ctpp. transportation.org/ Training http://ctpp.transportation.org/Pages/Training.aspx http://ctpp.transportation.org/Pages/ELearningModules.aspx Free No log in required (but useful and recommended) 350GB of data Produced inexpensively…

Analyzing Commuter Flows Santa Barbara – State of the Commute Report Summarizes commuter origin and destination Travel mode Travel time Employment by economic sector Using Residence based (part 1) Workplace based (part 2) Flow (part 3) CTPP map tools CTPP chart tools In Santa Barbara, the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments periodically produces a State of the Commute Report. The report summarizes commuter origin and destination information, and includes comparisons of travel mode, travel time, and employment by economic sector, helping transportation planners and decision makers understand trends, markets, and regional commute dynamics. The report is produced with residence based, work place based and flow data from CTPP along with a variety of other data sources, and many graphics in the current iteration are produced with CTPP mapping and chart tools. http://www.sbcag.org/uploads/2/4/5/4/24540302/state_of_the_commute_summary_full_report_final.pdf Full Report: http://www.sbcag.org/uploads/ 2/4/5/4/24540302/state_of_the_commute_ summary_full_report_final.pdf

Los Angeles – Visualizing Work Trips Helped stakeholders visual spatial interactions of small areas Increased public interest and participation The Southern California association of governments discovered that presenting the data in this visual way, along with the ability to target for specific groups of stakeholders, helped those stakeholders better understand the spatial interactions among small areas. As a result, the public took a greater interest in transportation planning and participation in the process. Full Report: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/planning/census_issues/ctpp/ status_report/sr0415/index.cfm

Other Demographic Analysis Roadway corridor demographics Demographic Profiles CTPP data are often used to analyze race, poverty, population, and travel methods for corridor analysis, with specific attention paid to the transportation disadvantaged. The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board and Colorado Department of Transportation both created data summaries or profiles based on CTPP data and made them available to the public.

Next CTPP (Available 2018) 2012-2016 CTPP Same Structure as 2006 to 2010 CTPP No TAZ changes Available Late 2018 Reduce table request by 66% as compared to 2006 to 2010 product Limit the number of tables at small geography (TAZs and Tracts)

Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policyinformation/hpms.cfm

FHWA New Data Sources ARNOLD – All Roads Network Of Linear-referenced Data Consistent resource for spatially organizing roadway data E.g. crash sites E.g. Highway Performance Monitoring System count reports TMAS – Traffic Monitoring Analysis System All automatically recorded vehicle counts (e.g. loop detectors) Submitted by states Limited coverage, but very detailed where available Soon will allow upload of bicycle and pedestrian counts

FHWA Environment and Planning Web-based GIS Portal (HEPGIS) What it is Browser-based map explorer for Planning Data Download a variety of data sets (or link to their “home”) Where to get it HEPGIS: http://hepgis.fhwa.dot.gov/fhwagis/

FHWA Web-Based GIS Maps http://hepgis.fhwa.dot.gov/fhwagis/ View GIS Maps using only a web-browser Highway Information - National highway network, 1991 Federal Aid Primary System (for outdoor advertising control), HPMS AADT, National Network of Truck Routes, National Primary Freight Network, and Federal Lands. Fatal Crashes Maps – 2009-2015 All Fatal Crashes, Pedestrian and Cyclist Crashes. MPO Boundaries – Urban areas, TMAs, MPO Boundaries; and 7 Criteria Pollutant Air Quality Maps Demographic Information – 2000 and 2010 population, minority population and unemployment rates Megaregion Research – 6 Megaregion maps showing GDP, travel time index, freight origins & destinations, freight volumes, Freight Analysis Framework – FAF3 Fright Origin-Destination desire-line maps and network flows. These maps will be updated to show FAF4 data within next 3 months.

FHWA Web-Based GIS Maps http://hepgis.fhwa.dot.gov/fhwagis/

FHWA Web-Based GIS Maps http://hepgis.fhwa.dot.gov/fhwagis/

FHWA Web-Based GIS Maps

Penelope Weinberger (AASHTO) Questions Jeremy Raw (FHWA) Joe Hausman (FHWA) joseph.hausman@dot.gov jeremy.raw@dot.gov CTPP Support Penelope Weinberger (AASHTO) JJ Zang (Tech Support) pweinberger@aashto.org CTPPSupport@camsys.com