Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Report August 9, 2011 1
AYP Results The 2010-2011 school year was our second year under the state’s rigorous new academic standards. As was the case in the majority of Tennessee districts, MNPS did not meet its Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) targets for all subgroups. 2
AYP Results MNPS remains in Restructuring 1 status as an error in the determination of district status in 2007 was corrected by the Tennessee Department of Education. Every subgroup in grades 3-8 made increases from 2010 to 2011 in the percent of students reaching proficiency in Mathematics and Reading. 3
2011 Percent of MNPS Students in Grades 3-8 Scoring Proficient or Advanced * Subgroup made Adequate Yearly Progress AMO: Annual Measureable Objective (Target) 4
2011 Percent of MNPS Students in Grades 3-8 Scoring Proficient or Advanced * Subgroup made Adequate Yearly Progress AMO: Annual Measureable Objective (Target) 5
2011 Percent of MNPS Students in Grades 3-8 Scoring Proficient or Advanced * Subgroup made Adequate Yearly Progress AMO: Annual Measureable Objective (Target) 6
AYP Results Every high school subgroup made increases from 2010 to 2011 in Math proficiency, with an overall increase of 12 percentage points. Our highest proficiency rates are for high school Language Arts, but this is the one area in which we did not see growth from 2010. 7
2010 Percent of MNPS High School Students Scoring Proficient or Advanced * Subgroup made Adequate Yearly Progress AMO: Annual Measureable Objective (Target) 8
2010 Percent of MNPS High School Students Scoring Proficient or Advanced * Subgroup made Adequate Yearly Progress AMO: Annual Measureable Objective (Target) 9
2010 Percent of MNPS High School Students Scoring Proficient or Advanced * Subgroup made Adequate Yearly Progress AMO: Annual Measureable Objective (Target) 10
Race to the Top Results MNPS met all of its First to the Top 2010-11 improvement goals: 4.2% improvement in Grade 3 Reading (Target 4.0%) 7.3% improvement in Grade 7 Math (Target 5.0%) 9.8% improvement in 2010 Graduation rate (Target 2.2%) 11
Gains in Social Studies fell short of the state targets. Value Added Results MNPS district single-year gains for grades 4-8 in 2010-11 significantly exceeded state targets in Math and Reading. District gains in Science significantly exceeded current state performance. Gains in Social Studies fell short of the state targets. 12
MNPS One-Year Value Added Results in Grades 4-8: 2008-09 Through 2010-11 13
Value Added Results High school district one-year Value Added gains were equal to the state for English II. District gains were below the state for English I, Biology I and U.S. History. Value Added gains were above the state for Algebra I and Writing and ranked among the top 25% of districts. 14
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