Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and Disease 11th edition Chapter 10 The Nervous System: The Brain and Cranial Nerves Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and Disease 11th edition
The Brain Cerebrum – largest part of brain Divided into right and left hemispheres Each hemisphere is divided into lobes Diencephalon – area between cerebrum and brainstem Thalamus Hypothalamus Brain stem – connects cerebrum and diencephalon Midbrain Pons Medulla oblongata Cerebellum – below/posterior to cerebrum (“little brain”)
External surface of the brain, superior view. The division into two hemispheres and into lobes is visible.
Protective Structures of the Brain and Spinal Cord Meninges – connective tissue that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord Dura mater (outermost, thickest layer) the dura mater is in 2 layers and in between is the dural sinuses (drains blood from brain tissue) Arachnoid (middle layer) Pia mater (layer closest to brain) the pia mater contains blood vessels
Frontal (coronal) section of the top of the head Frontal (coronal) section of the top of the head. The meninges and related parts are shown.
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Supports nervous tissue, cushions from shock Carries nutrients to cells Transports waste products from cells Produced in ventricles (4 of them) Choroid plexus – where CSF is formed by filtration of the blood and by cellular secretion Please read pg. 217 : The Blood-Brain Barrier (Box 10-1)
Flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Black arrows show the flow of CSF from the choroid plexuses and back to the blood in dural sinuses; white arrows show the flow of blood. (The actual passageways through which the CSF flows are narrower than those shown here, which have been enlarged for visibility.)
Ventricles of the brain. Three views are shown.
The Cerebral Hemispheres Lobes (named for the cranial bones above) Frontal Parietal Temporal Occipital Cerebral cortex (composed of gray matter) Arranged in folds and grooves (gyri and sulci) Inside, the cerebral hemispheres are composed of white matter Corpus callosum (band of white matter that connects right and left hemispheres that permits impulses to cross ** areas that contain mostly cell bodies, compose the gray matter
External surface of the brain, lateral view External surface of the brain, lateral view. The lobes and surface features of the cerebrum are visible.
Functions of the Cerebral Cortex Frontal lobe Motor area Speech centers Parietal lobe Sensory area Estimation of distances, sizes, shapes Temporal lobe Auditory area Olfactory area Occipital lobe Visual receiving area Visual association area
Functional areas of the cerebral cortex. *** please know these areas and which one controls what functions!
Communication Areas Auditory areas (temporal lobe) Auditory receiving Auditory association Speech comprehension (Wernicke area) Motor areas (frontal lobe) Motor speech (Broca area) Written speech center Visual areas (occipital lobe) Visual language images receiving
Memory and the Learning Process Short-term memory Information lost unless reinforced Long-term memory Rehearsal (repetition) Alertness
The Diencephalon see next slide… Thalamus Sorts sensory impulses Directs impulses within cerebral cortex Hypothalamus Maintains homeostasis Controls sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of autonomic nervous system Influences heartbeat, blood flow, hormone secretion see next slide…
Regions of the diencephalon Regions of the diencephalon. The figure shows the relationship among the thalamus, hypothalamus, and pituitary gland (hypophysis).
The Limbic System Between cerebrum and diencephalon *Involved in emotional states, behavior Involved in learning, long-term memory Stimulates the reticular formation Links functions of cerebral cortex and brain stem
The Brain Stem Connects cerebrum and diencephalon with the spinal cord Composed of midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata
The Midbrain Superior part of brain stem Four masses form superior part of midbrain Reflexes involving eyes and ears Conducts impulses between higher centers of cerebrum and lower centers of pons, medulla, cerebellum, spinal cord (- CN III and IV)
The Pons Connecting link between cerebellum and rest of nervous system Some reflexes involving respiration ( - CN V and VIII)
The Medulla Oblongata Respiratory center - controls muscles of respiration Cardiac center – regulates rate and force of heart rate Vasomotor center - regulates contraction of smooth muscle in vessels, thus controlling blood flow and B/P Contralateral (opposite side) control (-CN IX and XII)
The Cerebellum see next slide… Structure Vermis (middle) Left hemisphere Right hemisphere Function Help coordinate voluntary muscles Help maintain balance Help maintain muscle tone see next slide…
The cerebellum. (A) Posterior view showing the two hemispheres. (B) Midsagittal section showing the distribution of gray and white matter. The three parts of the brain stem (midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata) are also labeled.
Brain Studies Imaging techniques to study the brain without surgery Computed tomography (CT) scan Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Positron emission tomography (PET)
Electroencephalograph Record electric currents given off by brain nerve cells Study sleep patterns Diagnose disease Locate tumors Study drug effects Determine brain death
Disorders of the Brain and Associated Structures Meningitis Inflammation of brain and spinal cord coverings Bacterial causes Viral causes Encephalitis Inflammation of the brain Toxic substances causes Viral vaccine causes *What procedure have we learned about that would test for meningitis?
Hydrocephalus Abnormal CSF accumulation within brain Causes Congenital malformation Tumor Inflammation Hemorrhage
Stroke and Other Brain Disorders Most common brain disorder Usually caused by a blood clot that blocks flow to an area of brain tissue aphasia Cerebral palsy – caused by brain damage during or before birthing process Epilepsy – chronic disorder involving abnormal brain electrical activity Brain tumor – may develop at any age
Injury Head trauma can lead to injury within skull Epidural hematoma Subdural hematoma Intracerebral hematoma Cerebral concussion (know definitions and be able to distinguis between them)
Degenerative Diseases Alzheimer disease – brain disorder resulting from an unexplained degeneration of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus (no cure at this time) Multi-infarct dementia – the accumulation of brain damage resulting from chronic ischemia (such as a series of small strokes) Parkinson disease – progressive neurologic condition with tremors, rigidity, slow movement and poor balance
Cranial Nerves DON’T CRY!!! 12 pairs Four categories Special sensory impulses General sensory impulses Somatic motor impulses Visceral motor impulses DON’T CRY!!!
Cranial nerves. The 12 pairs of cranial nerves are seen from the base of the brain.
Names and Functions of the Cranial Nerves I Olfactory II Optic III Oculomotor IV Trochlear V Trigeminal VI Abducens VII Facial VIII Vestibulocochlear (also known as acoustic or auditory) IX Glossopharyngeal X Vagus XI Accessory (also known as spinal) XII Hypoglossal Tip to remember: On Old Olympus Towering Tops A Fin And German Vended Some Hops ** Please refer to pg. 228, Table 10-2 - Use this table to study
Disorders Involving the Cranial Nerves Destruction of optic fibers (increase in pressure; Ex:Glaucoma) Damage to hearing nerves (medicines can cause this) Paralysis of muscles (from infections or toxins) Bell palsy (one sided facial paralysis) Neuralgia (nerve pain)
Aging of the Nervous System Decreased brain size and weight Decreased speed of information processing Slowed movements Diminished memory Reduced blood flow to brain
End of Presentation