Religion Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009
Catholic Social Teachings POWERPOINT JEOPARDY New Testament Catholic Social Teachings Definitions Beatitudes Mary 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50
What are the synoptic Gospels What is Matthew, Mark, Luke
What are the four inspired books on Jesus What are the Gospels
What is the story about a father and his two sons What is the story about a father and his two sons. This parable teaches about Jesus’ love and forgiveness? What is the Prodigal Son/Lost Son?
What was Jesus’ First Miracle? What is the Wedding Feast of Cana
What are the Infancy Narratives? What are stories found in Matthew and Luke, also called Christmas, and tell about Jesus’ birth and visit from the kings.
What is the commitment to human life and dignity to human rights and solidarity? What are Catholic Social Teachings?
What are the four ways we can show basic dignity to each person? Respect human life Handle issues of prejudice towards persons because of race, religion, ethnic heritage, sex, disability appropriately Resolve family conflicts Act in way that reflect the attitudes and teachings of Jesus Christ
Abortion is an _____ against the Catholic Social Teachings? What is evil
What are the Catholic Social Teachings? NAME THEM ALL. DAILY DOUBLE What are the Catholic Social Teachings? NAME THEM ALL. The Life and Dignity of the Human Person Call to Family, Community, and Participation Rights and Responsibilities of the Human Person Option for Poor and Vulnerable Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers Solidarity Care for God’s Creation
Euthanasia, racism, sweatshop, not recycling are _____ of Social Catholic Teachings What are evils
Who are called by Jesus? Who are the Apostles
Who is a person assisting the celebrant in a religious service or procession What is Acolyte
When did Jesus become Man? When is the Incarnation
What are the two types of deacons?. Transitional deacon – a man who is a deacon but wants to become a priest Permanent deacon – a man who is a deacon and will stay a deacon
a person who may preach, administer the Eucharist, baptize, officiate at marriages, and officiate at funeral services What is a deacon
Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for __________________________________________________ Theirs is the kingdom of God
Blessed are the meek, for ________________________ They will inherit the land
Blessed are the peacemakers, for __________________________________________________ They will be called children of God
Blessed are the clean of heart, for __________________________________________________ They will see God
Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for __________________________________________________ Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven
What is the day when we focus on Mary as the New Eve because she was conceived without original sin. What is the date we celebrate this? What is the Immaculate Conception and December 8
When do we celebrate Mary as the Mother of God? What is January 1
What is prayer and what is the importance of prayer? DAILY TRIPLE What is prayer and what is the importance of prayer? Prayer is a conversation with God (Jesus and saints). Praying helps strengthen our bond and brings us closer to God. Prayer can be public or private. There is no specific time or place to pray. Praying can happen anytime, any where, by anyone, and for anything
When do we commemorate the appearance of the Angel Gabriel to Mary When do we commemorate the appearance of the Angel Gabriel to Mary. The Angel told her that she had been chosen to be the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Most High God. What is the Annunciation
Define Rosary and list the prayers of the Rosary in order and the mysteries. Rosary is a prayer which invites us to reflect on events in the life of Jesus and Mary. Order of Prayers Apostles Creed One Our Father Three Hail Mary Glory Be Four mysteries: Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, Glorious 10 Hail Mary