Edmonton Presbytery Meeting – January 24, 2017 Edmonton Presbytery Meeting – January 24, 2017 Strathearn United Church, 8510-95 Ave NW Edmonton Presbytery Office Edmonton Presbytery 13535 122 Ave NW Edmonton AB T5L 2V7 780-438-6619 presbytery.office@uccedm.org
Sign In for Presbyters, Visitors & Newcomers For attendance recording, please remember to sign in. (Initials next to name on sign-in sheets at table) Guests & Newcomers please sign the Visitor sign-in Sheet. Thank you
No Regrets for Presbytery Meetings Did you know that your regrets are no longer recorded in the Presbytery minutes? That’s correct! This will save you a phone call or an email if you cannot attend!
WRITTEN MOTIONS Motions must be clear and concise for recording in the official record. When making a motion at a Presbytery or Council meeting, please write it down and forward it to Nancy Kerr.
Presbytery Office Hours Mon - Thurs: 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Fri - Sun & Stat Holidays: Office Closed To Reach administration or Intercultural Ministry please call 780-438-6619 To reach Wilson MacLennan call 780-438-6617
PRESBYTERY MATTERS! Watch For: Edmonton Presbytery Meeting Notes From Stuart Jackson and the Communications Committee Use them to inform your congregation of what happened at the Presbytery Meeting!
Presbytery News & Events Emails are sent to Edmonton Presbyters and/or congregations to advertise events going on in and around Edmonton Presbytery. Or go to http://www.edmontonpresbytery.org/events or http://www.edmontonpresbytery.org/news
How to Get Your Event Listed Submit your event by the Tuesday prior to an evening meeting or by the Monday prior to an all-day meeting to the presbytery office: prebsbytery.office@uccedm.org We make every effort to get your announcements listed. Sending your event after cut-off dates may mean it gets missed … so send them as soon as you can. Thanks to all!
PRESBYTERY WEBSITE Go To: www.edmontonpresbytery.org Did you know that each Committee can appoint their very own page minder to keep their section of the website up-to-date? Interested in training sessions for your committee page minders ..…talk to Stuart! OR Watch for training sessions………………….
Strathearn United Church Many Thanks to Strathearn United Church For hosting tonight's meeting
Presbytery Meeting Sites Appeal: A few meetings places to fill. The 2016 – 2017 schedule is posted to our website under meetings. http://www.edmontonpresbytery.org/meetings.html We still need three meetings locations for 2017 (March, May & June) Please speak to Sally-Anne or call the office if you would like to volunteer to host one. Thanks to all!
For Conference News Go to: http://albertanorthwestconference.ca/news/ • Join the United Church's Global Pilgrimage: Kenya 2017
Putting Some Salt and Light Into Your Congregational Giving Program 2016/17 Everything you need to develop your congregational giving program before the end of the year is available in the Salt and Light package you received this summer. More resources are available on our website: www.stewardshiptoolkit.ca/saltandlight2016 Questions? Need more copies? Contact us and we’ll be happy to help! You can reach us at 1-800-268-3781, ext. 4029, or e-mail us at called@united-church.ca.
St. Stephen’s College Explore. Create. Transform. Check for information, events and registration at the College by visiting their website: http://www.ualberta.ca/ST.STEPHENS/news/index.html St. Stephen’s is now inviting applications for the Position of Principal and Dean commencing July 1, 2017. Questions and applications, by email only, should be directed to st.stephen‘s@ualberta.ca
Check for Training Online https://www.united-in-learning.com/index.php/upcoming-webinars Distant Learning for Church Leaders
To check out our news and events go to: www.epim.ca Please tell others within your congregation so that we can walk together & continue to build a vibrant intercultural ministry!
Upcoming Events: Intercultural Ministry Bible Study will be held at Kirk United Church Centre (13535-122 Ave NW) in the Westminster Lounge from Noon to 2pm on Wednesday January 23rd, 2017. This is the first session of introduction and fellowship. Lunch will be provided with tea and coffee. Any questions or RSVPs should be directed to YoonOk Shin at 780-438-6619 or intercultural@uccedm.org
English-as-a-Second-Language Winter Session for Intermediate level Students Classes are held Monday and Wednesday morning 9am-12pm (noon) January 23rd to March 22, 2017 St. Paul’s United Church, 11526-76 Ave NW Please Contact: IM Facilitator: Yoon Shin at 780-438-6619 or intercultural@uccedm.org Wayne Youngward at 780-479-6637
The ESL Working Group Edmonton Presbytery Inter-Cultural Ministry Committee, is seeking on an on-going basis volunteer teachers of English-as-a-second-language. No experience or training is necessary. Classes are held Mondays and Wednesdays Our next spring session will take place from April 10 – June 24, 2017 St. Paul’s United Church, 11526-76 Ave NW Please Contact: IM Facilitator: Yoon Shin at 780-438-6619 or intercultural@uccedm.org Wayne Youngward at 780-479-6637
Working Group will meet on Tuesday February 14, 2017 at 6:30 Working Group will meet on Tuesday February 14, 2017 at 6:30. The meeting will be held at Garneau United Church, 123, 11148-84 Ave. All are welcome
Edmonton Korean United Church The Edmonton Korean United Church would like to invite you to join in a special celebration for the dedication of the former Ritchie United Church Building for the worship and work of Edmonton Korean United Church. Sunday, February 5th, 2017 1:30pm 9624-74 Ave, Edmonton, AB, T6E 1E6 There will be a Korean Community Meal following the Dedication service.
Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education & Action On Sunday, January 29, 2017 the Interfaith Centre will be holding our annual “Building Bridged Among Faith Traditions” multifaith concert in the beautiful Royal Alberta Museum and we hope to see you there. In honour of Canada’s 150th birthday and to celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week, the concert will be free, although we intend it to be our major fundraiser for the year through advertisements and offering sponsors the opportunity to out greetings in the printed programs. Please contact the Edmonton Interfaith Centre for more details on the event or to advertise in the program. 780-413-6159 or intfaith@shaw.ca or visit www.edminterfaithcentre.ca.
BEYOND: Speakers Series Oct/2016 - Feb/2017 Monthly at Southminster-Steinhauer United Church (10740-19 Avenue) at 7 p.m. Thought provoking talks on spirituality, social issues and other topics that go beyond the expected. These talks are geared for the inquisitive, the open-minded, and the spiritually curious. Admission is free. Call the Office for information on upcoming talks at 780-435-2028
Tickets are $25 each or $50 for a family of four. February 10, 2017 we will be having a fundraiser for Outreach Projects and improvement of the Trinity United Church building itself. Tickets are $25 each or $50 for a family of four. Goodwill donation for chili supper at 6 PM concert at 7 PM p.m. Spread the word! Tickets are sold at Eventbright.ca https://www.facebook.com/colleen.oneill.986/posts/10158076459745158 Some tickets may be available at the door if they are not sold out online.
United on Whyte Pastoral Care Leader – Temporary Position Job Description: Hours per week: 8. (Or 32 hrs in a 4 week period). Term: Start: ASAP. Ends: June 30, 2018 Responsibilities: Organize, train, and maintain a Lay Pastoral Care Team Ensure coverage of two outreach services per month Build and maintain a Pastoral Care list Liaison with the Transitional Minister for critical visitations and occasional funeral support Regular visitation of the elderly, shut ins and the hospitalized For more information or to apply please contact: Eva Cooper at: ercooper@shaw.ca
The Breakfast – Robertson-Wesley UC The Breakfast is presented by the Robertson-Wesley Stewardship Committee at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 21, 2017 at Robertson-Wesley United Church (10209-123 Street, Edmonton). Vern will speak to the Stewardship theme this year “Knock, Knock…Believe, Seek, Open” and how what he believes in has opened doors for him in his life and in his career. Vern's ideas of seeing community and community building are also a part of our Stewardship theme. Vern Thiessen is one of Canada’s most produced playwrights. SHAKESPEARE'S WILL, APPLE, EINSTEIN'S GIFT, VIMY, and BIRD BRAIN all premiered in Edmonton and have gone on to hundreds of productions in Canada, the US, the UK, Europe, China, Australia and New Zealand. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased in advance at Robertson-Wesley United Church. For more information call 780 482-1587.
Come Celebrate the Ministry of Don Koots The Ministry of Reverend Don Koots is going to be celebrated at Riverbend United Church on Sunday, January 29, 2017 from 10:30 a.m. If you are able to join, kindly notify the church office in advance or speak to a Presbytery representative. Office: phone 780.430.7275 email contactus@riverbendunited.org Reps: Jill Spaner and Kay Quon
Next Meeting of Edmonton Presbytery Next Meeting is a Full Day Meeting Date: February 25th, 2017 Time: 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Place: St. Paul’s United Church 11526-76 Ave
for attending tonight’s meeting. See you in February!