Hosted by Mrs. Zurawlow and Mrs. Shapiro Jeopardy Hosted by Mrs. Zurawlow and Mrs. Shapiro
The First New Jerseyans Where is NJ? Regions Climate and Resources The First New Jerseyans 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
New Jersey is located in What is the Northeast? New Jersey is located in this region of the U.S. Row 1, Col 1
These helped to shape NJ. What are glaciers? These helped to shape NJ. 1,2
The kind of weather a place has over a long period of time. What is climate? The kind of weather a place has over a long period of time. 1,3
This change caused early people to adapt or change their What is climate change? This change caused early people to adapt or change their way of life. 1,4
One of the seven largest What is a continent? One of the seven largest land masses on earth. 2,1
These are areas of land with features that set them apart What is a region? These are areas of land with features that set them apart from other areas. 2,2
This can affect temperature in What is location? This can affect temperature in NJ. 2,3
The order of NJ’s early people. What is Paleo, Archaic, Woodland and Lenape? The order of NJ’s early people. 2,4
Much of NJ is made up of this What is urban? Much of NJ is made up of this type of community. 3,1
NJ’s largest natural region. What is the Atlantic Coastal Plain? NJ’s largest natural region. 3,2
This area has a milder climate What are regions near the Atlantic Ocean? This area has a milder climate than other places in NJ. 3,3
This helped the Archaic Indians move less and settle in small What is gardening or growing crops? This helped the Archaic Indians move less and settle in small villages. 3,4
This is NJ’s largest city. What is Newark? This is NJ’s largest city. 4,1
A physical feature that lies in the Piedmont section. What is the Palisades? A physical feature that lies in the Piedmont section. 4,2
A type of storm that brings high winds, heavy snows and What is a Nor’easter? A type of storm that brings high winds, heavy snows and freezing cold. 4,3
This is when the Lenape first What is 1,100 years ago? This is when the Lenape first appeared in NJ. 4,4
What is Trenton? NJ’s state capital. 5,1
The wearing away of rocks and soil caused by glaciers. What is erosion? The wearing away of rocks and soil caused by glaciers. 5,2
Natural resources can be What are renewable and non renewable resources? Natural resources can be classified in this way. 5,3
The Lenape changes how they lived according to these. What are the seasons? The Lenape changes how they lived according to these. 5,4