Code Blue Drug overdose Arun Prasad Alagarsamy Mukhar Gupta Saurabh Sharma Shivangi Shroff
Problem Statement In 2014, there were approximately one and a half times more drug overdose deaths than deaths from motor cycle crashes in the United States FIGHTING THE OPIOID CRISIS
What is Drug Overdose Drug overdoses occur when a person takes more than the medically recommended dose It can be either accidental or intentional
What are Opioids Opioids are prescribed to treat acute pain With prolonged use, pain-relieving effects lessen and pain can become worse. In addition, the body can develop dependence Opioid dependence causes withdrawal symptoms, which makes it difficult to stop taking them Addiction occurs when dependence interferes with daily life
Differentiating between Overdosed and High Really High Overdosed Muscles Become Relaxed Pale, clammy skin Speech is Slow and Slurred Breathing is infrequent or stopped Sleepy – Looking Deep Snoring or gurgling (death rattle) Responsive to shout, ear lobe pinch or sternal rub Unresponsive to any Stimuli Normal heart rate and/or pulse Slow or no heart rate and/or pulse Normal Skin tone Blue Lips and/or fingertips
Source: Morbidity and Morality weekly report 60(43):1489, 2011
Steps to be taken Awareness Prevention Treatment Steps to be taken
Our Solution Attack the root-cause
Focusing on prevention of drug abuse Doctor can access patient medical history using the patient's Insurance ID or unique patient ID Based on medical history, current conditions and his own judgement, the doctor prescribes a drug A backend check is performed as soon as the drug is entered. If opioid based drug is prescribed by the doctor, a pop-up with the non opioid alternative is displayed. If the doctor wants to prescribe opioid medication under certain circumstances then he needs to enter an exception.
Preventing over the counter abuse The pharmacy can access the patient details with the help of Insurance ID or unique patient ID After logging in, the pharmacy can access an QR code On scanning the QR code, the details of the prescribed drug is read On dispensing the drug to the patient, the QR code becomes inactive
Future Scope If the patient does not have any previous history of opioid prescribed medicine, a 7 day alternative non opioid medicine to be given and see if it works out This application will support and monitor prescription of narcotic drugs and other pain relief drugs
Estimate of Costs Item Cost (in USD) Application Development 12000 Database maintenance 4800 Staff cost 10000 Miscellaneous 3000 Total Cost 29800
References education/8 disease-facts-figures.pdf _overdose_symptoms