Match the Valentine Words!


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Presentation transcript:

Match the Valentine Words! amo, amare, amavi, amatus miro, mirare, miravi, miratus odio, odire, odivi rubra, rubrus, rubrum volo caerula, caerulus, caerulum amor, amoris osculum, osculi (n) rosa, rosae viola, violae amplexus, amplexi valentina, -ae OR valentinus, -i amans, amantis cor, cordis (n) sweetheart to hate kiss red love valentine blue heart a rose to admire a violet to love an embrace I want Warm Up for 2/17 Match the Valentine Words!


Match the Latin with it’s corresponding definition. Warm Up for 2/22 Match the Latin with it’s corresponding definition. bird pig wolf mouse snake bull fish cow bear horse lupus, lupi mus, muris piscis, piscis porcus, porci taurus, tauri ursus, ursi serpens, serpentis avis, avis bos, bovis equus, equi

“mea tunica mihi dixit!!!” Warm Up for 2/25 Put the following into Latin! 1. “Hello! I am the best shirt!” 2. Grumio is hearing a voice. 3. His togas are calling him. 4. Grumio is also happy because… 5. The shirts are putting on a play! “mea tunica mihi dixit!!!” voices – vox, vocis call – voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus him – eum to put on – ago, agere, egi, actus

Warm Up for 3/2 Miracula Femina Araneus Vir Centurio America Who is that superhero? Miracula Femina Araneus Vir Centurio America Vespertilio Vir (or Obscurus Eques) Accipiter Oculus Ferreus Vir Superus Vir Viridis Lampas Feles Femina

PRACTICE 1. canis Grumionem in culina spectabat. 2. turba magna ad theatrum festinavit. 3. Metella in atrium ambulabat. 4. multi servi panem vendunt. 5. Pompeiani ancillam laudaverunt. 6. actores in scaena dormiebant. 7. ancilla Metellam pulsavit.

Write down the ONE odd word that doesn’t belong in each list. Warm Up for 3/8 Write down the ONE odd word that doesn’t belong in each list. ingens, parvus, magnus, optimus dormiebat, portabat, contendit, salutabat clamat, vocat, pugnat, cantat, latrat coquus, mater, pater, iuvenis, mendax canis, leo, serpens, navis, feles cenam, hortum, canem, ancilla, villam amicus, ancilla, nuntii, mercator, iuvenis

Translate the following story: Warm Up for 3/10 Translate the following story: 1. Once Quintus was a baby. 2. Metella left the house. 3. Grumio was watching the baby. 4. Oh no! Grumio was sleeping in the kitchen. Quintus heard a noise. Look! (to be continued… ) exeo, exire, exivi – leaves specto, spectare, spectavi – watches dormio, dormire, dormivi – sleep audio, audire, audivi – hears

Warm Up 3/21 manumissio libertus verna peculium alumnus Define the following culture terms. Refer to pages 97-100 for help. manumissio libertus verna peculium alumnus

Warm Up for 3/23 1. A thief entered the house. Grumio was snoring. Translate the following story: hoc est meum perterritum os! (This is my terrified face!) 1. A thief entered the house. Grumio was snoring. The baby was terrified! Oh no! The thief was eating the food. Quintus was very angry! Suddenly the baby is green! (to be continued… ) intro, intrare, intravi – enters sterto, stertere, stertui - snores consumo, consumere, consumpsi - eat viridis, viridis. - green

Label the Following: Present, Imperfect, Perfect 1. puer erat iratus. 2. turba magna ad theatrum festinavit. 3. Metella in atrium ambulabat. 4. multi servi panem vendunt. 5. Pompeiani ancillam laudaverunt. 6. actores in scaena dormiebant. 7. ancilla Metellam pulsavit. 8. canis Grumionem in culina spectabat.

Translate the following story: Warm Up for 3/28 HULKUS INFANS IRATUS! Translate the following story: 1. Look! The green baby attacked the thief! The thief was strong but the baby was VERY strong. Quintus punched and overpowered the thief. The thief left. The baby was not green. Grumio is sleeping and snoring. (FINIS) peto, petere, petivi – attack pulso, pulsare, pulsavi – punch supero, superare, superavi - overpower exeo, exire, exivi – leaves viridis, viridis - green

Name that Disney Princess Movie! Warm Up for 4/13 Name that Disney Princess Movie! Glacialis Pulchra Dormiens Albanix et Septem Pumiliones Fortis Sirenella Pulchra et Bestia Implexa Principissa et Rana