The Implementation of the Burst Building Network for the EMC M. Tiemens | 1 The Implementation of the Burst Building Network for the EMC
GOAL: EMC DCs Compute Node Other subsystems Event Building M. Tiemens | 2 GOAL: EMC DCs p E IP Other subsystems Compute Node Event Building
Assumptions Data Concentrator: 20 SFPs @ 16 Gbps M. Tiemens | 3 Assumptions Data Concentrator: 20 SFPs @ 16 Gbps 10 x 16 Gbps = 160 Gbps max data in If (data in < max data in): additional processing possible
Data Output from EMC Barrel + BW Endcap FW Endcap M. Tiemens | 4 Data Output from EMC Barrel + BW Endcap FW Endcap 25 Data Concentrators 14 Data Concentrators 50 optical links @10 Gbps 42 optical links @12 Gbps 20 MHz 25 optical links @2 Gbps 14 optical links @4 Gbps 2 MHz
EMC BBN @20 MHz (Barrel+BW Endcap) M. Tiemens | 5 EMC BBN @20 MHz (Barrel+BW Endcap) EMC DC EMC DC EMC DC EMC DC EMC DC Compose data stream by chronologically adding time-sorted DC data Merge preclusters if @edge: Network DC L1 DC1 DC2
EMC BBN @20 MHz (Barrel+BW Endcap) M. Tiemens | 6 EMC BBN @20 MHz (Barrel+BW Endcap) In Out Network DC L1 Network DC L1 Network DC L1 Network DC L1 8x : 80 Gbps 8x : <80 Gbps 8x : 80 Gbps 8x : <80 Gbps 8x : 80 Gbps 8x : <80 Gbps 8x : 80 Gbps 8x : <80 Gbps Network DC L1 Network DC L1 EMC DC Network DC L1 4x : 40 Gbps 8x : <40 Gbps 6x : 60 Gbps 8x : <60 Gbps 8x : 80 Gbps 8x : <80 Gbps
EMC BBN @20 MHz (Barrel+BW Endcap) M. Tiemens | 7 EMC BBN @20 MHz (Barrel+BW Endcap) Network DC L1 Network DC L1 Network DC L1 Network DC L1 Back- plane Network DC L1 Network DC L1 EMC DC Network DC L1
EMC BBN @20 MHz (Barrel+BW Endcap) M. Tiemens | 8 EMC BBN @20 MHz (Barrel+BW Endcap) 8 SFPs Network DC L1 Network DC L1 Network DC L1 Network DC L1 Network DC L1 Network DC L1 Network DC L1 Network DC L2 Network DC L2 Network DC L2 Network DC L2 Network DC L2 Network DC L2 Network DC L2 Network DC L2 Send data from 1 superburst Connect to FW Endcap L2 Backplane Compute Node … etc
EMC BBN @20 MHz (FW Endcap) M. Tiemens | 9 EMC BBN @20 MHz (FW Endcap) EMC DC EMC DC EMC DC EMC DC EMC DC EMC DC Network DC L1 Network DC L1
EMC BBN @20 MHz (FW Endcap) M. Tiemens | 10 EMC BBN @20 MHz (FW Endcap) 8 SFPs Network DC L1 Network DC L1 Network DC L1 Network DC L1 Network DC L1 Network DC L1 Network DC L2 Network DC L2 Network DC L2 Network DC L2 Network DC L2 Network DC L2 Network DC L2 Send data from 1 superburst Connect to Barrel L2 Backplane Compute Node … etc
M. Tiemens | 11 EMC BBN @20 MHz EMC DC EMC DC EMC DC EMC DC EMC DC EMC DC Compose data stream by chronologically adding time-sorted DC data Merge preclusters if @edge: Network DC L1 DC1 DC2
EMC BBN @20 MHz Barrel + BW Endcap FW Endcap In Out 10x : 100 Gbps M. Tiemens | 12 EMC BBN @20 MHz In Out Barrel + BW Endcap 10x : 100 Gbps 10x : <100 Gbps 10x : 100 Gbps 10x : <100 Gbps 10x : 100 Gbps 10x : <100 Gbps 10x : 100 Gbps 10x : <100 Gbps 10x : 100 Gbps 10x : <100 Gbps FW Endcap 9x : 112 Gbps 10x : <112 Gbps 9x : 112 Gbps 10x : <112 Gbps 8x : 99 Gbps 10x : <99Gbps 8x : 99 Gbps 10x : <99Gbps 8x : 99 Gbps 10x : <99Gbps
Accumulate data per superburst M. Tiemens | 13 EMC BBN @20 MHz Barrel + BW Endcap Network DC L2 … x10 Accumulate data per superburst FW Endcap
EMC BBN @20 MHz Network DC L2 Network DC L2 … … etc Compute Node M. Tiemens | 14 EMC BBN @20 MHz Network DC L2 Network DC L2 … Send data from 1 superburst (?) Send data from next superburst … etc Compute Node Compute Node
M. Tiemens | 15 EMC BBN @2 MHz Compose data stream by chronologically adding time-sorted DC data Merge preclusters if @edge Network DC
EMC BBN @2 MHz Barrel + BW Endcap + FW Endcap In Out 10x : 20 Gbps M. Tiemens | 16 EMC BBN @2 MHz In Out Barrel + BW Endcap + FW Endcap 10x : 20 Gbps 2x : <20 Gbps 10x : 20 Gbps 2x : <20 Gbps 9x : 26 Gbps 2x : <26 Gbps 10x : 40 Gbps 4x : <40 Gbps
EMC BBN @2 MHz Barrel + BW Endcap + FW Endcap Network DC L2 M. Tiemens | 17 EMC BBN @2 MHz Barrel + BW Endcap + FW Endcap Network DC L2 Send data from 1 superburst (?) Send data from next superburst Compute Node Compute Node
Summary 20 MHz: 10 DCs for L1, 10 DCs for L2 M. Tiemens | 18 Summary 20 MHz: 10 DCs for L1, 10 DCs for L2 2 MHz: 4 DCs for L1, 1 DC for L2 EMC DCs BBN L1 BBN L2