Blaze Training Continue
Central Fire Command Click Here – To Begin Hello Recruit, glad to see you. We need some good fire fighters, and I hope you can become one of us. I need you to first practice your skills by putting out a training fire. Click on the fire when it appears, once you have put out all the fire, the “Fire Out” button will appear. Click it before time runs out. Click Here – To Begin
Fire All Out! Time Remaining
Central Fire Command Click Here - Try Again! Looks like you didn’t get all the fire. Let’s go back and try that one again. Click Here - Try Again!
Follow the instructions on the screen to answer the questions. Central Fire Command Excellent work. In order to complete your training we are going to ask you some questions while we drive to our next training location. Follow the instructions on the screen to answer the questions. Begin
Great Job! Click here to keep going. Next Question… You are online and meet someone your age in a chat room. Is it safe to give him or her your address or phone number so you can meet? Yes No A B Great Job! Click here to keep going.
Great Job! Click here to keep going. Next Question… What is the term for making threats or saying mean things on the internet or cell phones? Telecommunications Cyber bullying Coffee chat A B C Great Job! Click here to keep going.
Great Job! Click here to keep going. Next Question… The Michigan’s Cyber Safety Initiative has three rules for using technology safely. What are they? Keep Safe, Keep Away, & Keep Telling B. Reduce, Reuse & Recycle C. Stop, Drop, & Roll A B C Great Job! Click here to keep going.
Great Job! Click here to keep going. Next Question… Which one is an output device? Mouse B. Microphone C. Printer D. Keyboard A B C D Great Job! Click here to keep going.
Excellent work. You are now ready for your next training assignment. Central Fire Command Excellent work. You are now ready for your next training assignment. Click on the Begin button and click on the fires as quickly as you can. When all the fires are out you will click on Fires Out button to end the training. Begin
<<<<<<<<<<<< OUT OF TIME Fire All Out! Time Remaining
Central Fire Command Click Here - Try Again! Looks like you didn’t get all the fire. Let’s go back and try that one again. Click Here - Try Again!
Excellent work. You are doing a great job. Central Fire Command Excellent work. You are doing a great job. Let’s keep on training! Continue
Great Job! Click here to keep going. Next Question… Which one is an input device? Speakers B. Mouse C. Headphones D. Printer A B C D Great Job! Click here to keep going.
Great Job! Click here to keep going. Next Question… Which program would you use to write a letter, story or report? Google Document Google Presentation C. Google Sheets D. Google Drawing A B C D Great Job! Click here to keep going.
Great Job! Click here to keep going. Next Question… Which program would you use to make a slide show? Google Document Google Presentation C. Google Sheets D. Google Drawing A B C D Great Job! Click here to keep going.
Great Job! Click here to keep going. Next Question… A software application used to access the internet is called a _____________? Word processor Data Base Web Browser Spreadsheet A B C D Great Job! Click here to keep going.
Excellent work. You are now ready for your next training assignment. Central Fire Command Excellent work. You are now ready for your next training assignment. Click on the Begin button and click on the fires as quickly as you can. When all the fires are out you will click on Fires Out button to end the training. Begin
<<<<<<<<<<<< OUT OF TIME Fire All Out! Time Remaining
Central Fire Command Click Here - Try Again! Looks like you didn’t get all the fire. Let’s go back and try that one again. Click Here - Try Again!
Excellent work. You are doing a great job. Central Fire Command Excellent work. You are doing a great job. Let’s keep on training! Continue
Great Job! Click here to keep going. Next Question… What does this icon represent? Undo Save C. Copy D. Paste A B C D Great Job! Click here to keep going.
Great Job! Click here to keep going. Next Question… Which button would you use to left align? A B C D Great Job! Click here to keep going.
Great Job! Click here to keep going. Next Question… The proper way to make a capital D is to hold the shift key with your ___________ finger? Right pointer Left pointer Right Pinky Left Pinky A B C D Great Job! Click here to keep going.
Great Job! Click here to keep going. Next Question… What are the home row keys? lkjh fdsa B. asdf ghjk C. asdf jkl; D. asdf hjkl A B C D Great Job! Click here to keep going.
Excellent work. You are now ready for your next training assignment. Central Fire Command Excellent work. You are now ready for your next training assignment. Click on the Begin button and click on the fires as quickly as you can. When all the fires are out you will click on Fires Out button to end the training. Begin
<<<<<<<<<<<< OUT OF TIME Fire All Out! Time Remaining
Central Fire Command Click Here - Try Again! Looks like you didn’t get all the fire. Let’s go back and try that one again. Click Here - Try Again!
Excellent work. You are doing a great job. Central Fire Command Excellent work. You are doing a great job. Let’s keep on training! Continue
Great Job! Click here to keep going. Next Question… Which one of these examples is typed in bold? typeface B. typeface C. typeface D. TYPEFACE A B C D Great Job! Click here to keep going.
Great Job! Click here to keep going. Next Question… When surfing the web, the back arrow is used to ________? A. Stop the browser from loading the current web page B. Return you to the previous web page C. Take you to your home page D. Show you the URL that your mouse is hovering over A B C D Great Job! Click here to keep going.
Great Job! Click here to keep going. Next Question… What is circle in this picture? Task Bar XHTML C. URL D. USB A B C D Great Job! Click here to keep going.
Great Job! Click here to keep going. Next Question… Which button is circled in this picture? Maximize/Restore Down B. Minimize C. Open D. Close A B C D Great Job! Click here to keep going.
Excellent work. You are now ready for your next training assignment. Central Fire Command Excellent work. You are now ready for your next training assignment. Click on the Begin button and click on the fires as quickly as you can. When all the fires are out you will click on Fires Out button to end the training. Begin
<<<<<<<<<<<< OUT OF TIME Fire All Out! Time Remaining
Central Fire Command Click Here - Try Again! Looks like you didn’t get all the fire. Let’s go back and try that one again. Click Here - Try Again!
Central Fire Command End Game Excellent work. You are doing a great job. You have completed your training! Congratulations! End Game
Central Fire Command Click Here - Try Again! You missed that question! Go back and try it again. Please hurry, people are counting on you!! Click Here - Try Again!
Blaze Training © 2010 – Jeff Ertzberger All rights reserved. All Clipart Copyright Graphics– All Rights Reserved. Some images have been modified from original version. This presentation may not be sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of the author. For even more template games and great resources visit: By using this game you are agreeing to our terms of use.