What problem does your congregation currently face? Ask it in the form of a question.
Basic foundation for asking questions for solving problems What is the real question? What do you really want to know? What is the root problem? Is that the real problem is there something deeper? Open ended questions not yes or no questions What do you think is God’s will? Dig deeper “What makes you say that?” or “Why do you think that?” Don’t interrupt. Use silence. Listening carefully and repeat what you hear.
Asking better questions
Asking Better Questions ASK FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS What is our purpose? What in God’s name is our church’s purpose? What does God really care about?
How do we connect to God, to each other and to the world?
A question for the church today is, each other and the world??? How do we each other and the world???
Great leaders rally people to a better future
What might a better future look like?
With God all things are possible Pigs fly Cows are purple Camel through eye of needle People change Churches can change too! With God all things are possible
GROW: A strategy for CHANGE Goal Reality Obstacles-Options Way Forward GROW method of problem solving G Goal The Goal is the end point, where the client wants to be. The goal has to be defined in such a way that it is very clear to the client when they have achieved it. R Reality The Current Reality is where the client is now. What are the issues, the challenges, how far are they away from their goal? O Obstacles There will be Obstacles stopping the client getting from where they are now to where they want to go. If there were no Obstacles the client would already have reached their goal. Options Once Obstacles have been identified, the client needs to find ways of dealing with them if they are to make progress. These are the Options. W Way Forward The Options then need to be converted into action steps which will take the client to their goal. These are the Way Forward.
GROW: A strategy for CHANGE Goal-more young women attend Tuesday 10 am meetings, become WELCA officers Reality Obstacles-Options Way Forward GROW method of problem solving G Goal The Goal is the end point, where the client wants to be. The goal has to be defined in such a way that it is very clear to the client when they have achieved it. R Reality The Current Reality is where the client is now. What are the issues, the challenges, how far are they away from their goal? O Obstacles There will be Obstacles stopping the client getting from where they are now to where they want to go. If there were no Obstacles the client would already have reached their goal. Options Once Obstacles have been identified, the client needs to find ways of dealing with them if they are to make progress. These are the Options. W Way Forward The Options then need to be converted into action steps which will take the client to their goal. These are the Way Forward.
GROW: A strategy New Life Lutheran WELCA GOAL-invite young women into new opportunities to grow in faith and Christian service. REALITY -WELCA is a social club for a few older women who control their pet projects, money and the kitchen. OBSTACLES-emotional, sad, afraid and resist change, forget to seek God’s will Way Forward- ACTION STEP 1 match WELCA women with young women as prayer partners. Call, email, send a card or text the young women 3-4 times a year to ask how you can pray for them. G R O W GROW method of problem solving G Goal The Goal is the end point, where the client wants to be. The goal has to be defined in such a way that it is very clear to the client when they have achieved it. R Reality The Current Reality is where the client is now. What are the issues, the challenges, how far are they away from their goal? O Obstacles There will be Obstacles stopping the client getting from where they are now to where they want to go. If there were no Obstacles the client would already have reached their goal. Options Once Obstacles have been identified, the client needs to find ways of dealing with them if they are to make progress. These are the Options. W Way Forward The Options then need to be converted into action steps which will take the client to their goal. These are the Way Forward.
GROW: A strategy New Life Lutheran WELCA GOAL-invite young women into new opportunities s to grow in faith and Christian service. REALITY -WELCA is a social club for a few older women who control their pet projects, money and the kitchen. OBSTACLES-emotional, sad, afraid and resist change, forget to seek God’s will Way Forward- ACTION STEP 2 interview young women: What are you passionate about? What are your hobbies? What is God calling this church to do? How do you need God’s help? G R O W GROW method of problem solving G Goal The Goal is the end point, where the client wants to be. The goal has to be defined in such a way that it is very clear to the client when they have achieved it. R Reality The Current Reality is where the client is now. What are the issues, the challenges, how far are they away from their goal? O Obstacles There will be Obstacles stopping the client getting from where they are now to where they want to go. If there were no Obstacles the client would already have reached their goal. Options Once Obstacles have been identified, the client needs to find ways of dealing with them if they are to make progress. These are the Options. W Way Forward The Options then need to be converted into action steps which will take the client to their goal. These are the Way Forward.
A Parable to help congregations ask better questions. Turning Point 180 Degrees A Parable to help congregations ask better questions.
180 Degrees: A Parable Part 1
180 Degrees: A Parable Part 2
180 Degrees: A Parable Part 3
Spiritual Autobiography/Timeline