Livia Vasas PhD 2016 Central Library of Semmelweis University short history, homepage Livia Vasas PhD 2016
From beginning Up to now 1828-2009 The Medical Professoriate Library of the Hungarian Royal Pázmány Péter University Budapest Felső Dunasor 5. 2009- Semmelweis University Central Library Budapest Mikszáth Kálmán tér 5.
Oldest and largest medical library in Hungary 1828 – 2016 Oldest and largest medical library in Hungary 1828 Zsigmond Schordann, gave his library for the staff of medical faculty, Address: Budapest, Felső Dunasor 5. sz. Important data - Donations as special collections - 1861 - 1866 Ignác Semmelweis as librarian - 2009 - Present place: Budapest, Mikszath tér 5 „MIXI”
Reading hall Üllői út 26. Ist store 1943- 1963
Reading hall Üllői út 26. Ist store 1943- 1963
Reading hall Üllői út 26. Ist store 1963-1983
Reading hall Üllői út 26. Ist store 1983-1993
Reading hall Üllői út 26. Ist store 1993. November (till 2009)
Semmelweis University, Central Library Mikszáth Kálmán tér 5. PC room 2009. March
About the holding of Central Library 2015 Books: 300 000 volumes old and new books, compulsory and recommended reading Periodicals : 6200 titles (printed:122) Databases: about 32
Databases 1
Databases 2
Thomson Reuters resources
Summary of publication activity
InCite Journal Citation Reports
IF value – calculation quotient numerator denominator
Full text information
National Library of Medicine catalog
Journal catalogue
Online-book catalogue
Useful links
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