Maths Workshop 23rd January 2017
The New National Curriculum Statutory to be taught from 2014 The first tests without levels were taken in 2016 Last year’s Year 6s had undergone 18 months of a 6 year curriculum
Life after levels… Not just a change of content, but a change in pedagogy and philosophy Came from research of ‘high performing jurisdictions’ (ie countries that consistently do well in international league tables) In Maths, the majority of the ideas came from Singapore and Shanghai maths teaching A ‘mastery’ curriculum, with the expectation that the vast majority of children will be taught the same year group content and be tested against end of year expectations rather than tracked through levels
So what are the priorities So what are the priorities? 7 Key Messages from the NCETM England-China School Exchange 1. Develop children’s fluency with basic number facts and mental calculation This aids procedural fluency, automaticity and making connections. Shanghai children learn their tables in this order – can you see why?: x10 x5 x2 x4 x8 x3 x6 x9 x7
So what are the priorities? 2. Develop fluency with formal written methods Once mental methods are firmly established, informal written methods/ jottings are seen as a quick stepping stone to formal methods. Formal methods need to be used with full understanding of place value, rather than by rote or ‘magic trick’!
So what are the priorities? 3. Develop understanding of the ‘equals’ sign =
So what are the priorities? 4. Don’t count, calculate! How would you work out 4 + 7? Are you counting on, or using your known number facts to ‘bridge to ten’? Use if…then…
So what are the priorities? 5. Look for pattern and make connections Teachers might ask: What’s the same, what’s different about the 3 x table and the 6 times table? What’s the same, what’s different about the calculations 3 x 4 and 30 x 40? What’s the same, what’s different about adding fractions and multiplying fractions?
So what are the priorities? 6. Move between the concrete, pictorial and abstract fluidly – it’s a continuum, not a ladder!
So what are the priorities? 7. Expect children to use correct mathematical terminology and express their reasoning in complete sentences. I Say… You Say… We Say…
Useful website links