Belgian Presidency of the European Union Environment Provisional Work Programme 2nd Semester 2010 Permanent Representation of Belgium to the EU
Background Further Implementation of the Lisbon Treaty New Commission and New Commission Set-Up : Commissioner for Climate Action and Commissioner for Environment Climate Change – one of the Strategic Priorities of the Trio-Presidency
Belgian Presidency Priorities Climate Change Biodiversity Sustainable Consumption and Production – Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Materials Better Instruments for Environmental Governance
1. Climate Change Legislative Work : Non-legislative Work: Continued Implementation of the Climate and Energy Package Directive on CO2 emissions from vans (Poss.) Revision of the Directive on information to the consumer on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions (Poss.) NOx and Aviation Non-legislative Work: Follow-up of COP 15 and Preparation of COP 16
2. Biodiversity Legislative Work: Non-legislative Work: Communication and Draft Regulation on Timber and Timber Products (Poss.) Package of European instruments related to the strategic post 2010 target on Biodiversity including Proposal on Invasive Alien Species Non-legislative Work: Strengthening International Cooperation on Biodiversity Post-2010 Action Plan (poss.) Follow-up of the Council Conclusions on GMOs
3. Sust. Consumption and Production / Sust 3. Sust. Consumption and Production / Sust. Use of Natural Resources and Materials Legislative Work: Recast RoHS Directive /Recast WEEE Directive Soil Directive (Poss.) Bio-waste : Communication + proposal (Poss.) Drinking Water Directive (Revision) (Poss.) Batteries Directive (Revision) Non-legislative Work : Council Conclusions on Sustainable Materials Management/Sustainble Production and Consumption
4. Better Instruments for Environmental Governance Non-legislative Work Council Conclusions on Better Instruments for Environmental Governance, Implementation, Better Regulation, including Evaluation of the 6th EAP and initial orientation for the 7th EAP; (poss.) COM initiative on Environmental Inspections
5. Other Industrial emissions Directive (IPPC) Biocide Regulation (Revision of the Directive) Seveso Directive (technical revision)
On the Radar Climate : adaptation policy, communication on CO2 emissions from shipping Communication an Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS), in principle accompanied by a legslative proposal Revision of National Emissions Ceiling (NEC) Directive Access to Justice Directive « Cocktail Effects of Chemicals » : follow-up
On the Radar (2) Second Environment and Health Action Plan, including nanotechnologies Environmental Verification Techniques : communication and possible legislative proposal Communication on Environmental Impact Assessements and on Strategic Environmental Assessements Communication on ETS for SO2 and NOx Contribution to Revision on Sustainable Development Strategy Revision of Thematic Strategies
On the Radar (3) Priority substances in water, identification of additional substances Revision Sewage Sludge Directive Revision/recast Waste Shipment Regulation Possible Action Plan and/or other initiatives and Market Based Instruments, Green public Procurement, Green Taxation, Counter-Productive Subsidies Regulation on Leg-Hold Traps
Council Meetings European Council : Environment Council : 28-29 October 16-17 December Environment Council : 14 October 20 December Informal Environment Council : 12-13 July
Additional Presidency Events High-level meeting on products standards EU harmonisation (incl. sustainability criteria for biomass and/or impact of products on indoor air quality) High level meeting on drinking water – 4-5 November
International Agenda 19-23 July : UNESCO Conference on Biological and Cultural Diversity (Montreal) 20 September : UN GA Biodiversity 4-8 October : FAO – COFO (Forestry) 11-15 October : COP-MOP 5 (Biosafety) 11-15 October : Timber Commission UN/ECE 18-29 Obtober : COP 10 (Biodiversity) 29 November - 10 December : COP 16 (Climate)