Mr. Stowinsky World History Christianity Mr. Stowinsky World History
Setting the Stage Founded during the Roman Empire Roman religion was polytheistic and impersonal Christianity started as a movement within Judaism and emphasized a more personal relationship with God
Life & Teachings of Jesus When Christianity is born, Israel is a province of the Roman empire named Judea Jews believed The Messiah, the savior of the Jewish people, would be born and give their Promised Land back
Jesus was born in Bethlehem between 6 to 4 BC and raised in Nazareth Was baptized by John the Baptist Worked as a carpenter Around 30, he began preaching and supposedly performed miracles Stressed a more personal relationship with God and promised an eternal kingdom for people who repented their sins
Very little was written down about Jesus by Historians Most of what we know of him comes from the Gospels – the first four books of the New Testament Apostles – Jesus’ 12 disciples Jesus ignored wealth and status, so the poor were especially attracted to him
Death of Jesus Both Jewish leaders and Roman officials were threatened by Jesus’ growing popularity People began calling him The Messiah. Jewish leaders denied this and thought his teachings went against their faith. Roman officials felt his popularity threatened the emperor and Roman religion Jesus was crucified 3 days later, his body was gone and people reported he was still teaching his followers
Christianity Spreads Throughout Europe Believing he survived death, both Jews and non-Jews followed the teachings of Jesus Eventually, a new religion, Christianity, grew from these followers
Persecution of the Christians Christians refused to worship the Roman gods so they were persecuted, tortured, and even executed Martyr – people willing to die for their religious beliefs Martyrs only strengthened the following of Christianity Paul – an apostle who spread and taught Christianity throughout the Roman Empire
Why Christianity Grew Embraced all people – men/women, rich/poor, slaves Gave hope to the powerless Offered a personal relationship with God Promised life after death
Christianity Becomes Rome’s Official Religion 312 AD - During a battle, Emperor Constantine prays for divine help Claims to see a vision of a cross Orders his soldiers to put crosses on their shields He wins the battle 380 AD – Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire
Early Christian Church Bishop – priest who supervised several local churches Pope – head of the Christian/Catholic church Peter – the first pope, one of the apostles Heresy – belief that contradicts Church teachings New Testament – The Four Gospels, the Epistles of Paul, and other documents Added to the Old Testament to create the Bible