Chair, Roads MAGS, Szeto GAPP, Juang LBA, Marengo LPB, Berbery


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Presentation transcript:

GEWEX WEBS MC Q E P N W Chair, Roads MAGS, Szeto GAPP, Juang LBA, Marengo LPB, Berbery BALTEX, Isemer AMMA, Gaye GAME, Masuda MDB, Seed ISCCP, Rossow SRB, Stackhouse GRDC, Douglas NVAP, Rossow GPCP, Adler CMAP, Arkin NCEP, Roads ERA, Beljaars JRA, Masuda GLDAS, Rodell MC Q E P N W cf. Sorooshian Our goal is to use the “best available” GEWEX and other global data sets to assess our current uncertainty in characterizing (“closing”) global and regional water and energy cycles for the ~ -1986-1995+ time period.

QRS Ann. Mean (86-95) Some differences between obs over Amazon, Africa Larger differences from atmospheric reanalyses over the ocean Land assimilations use bias corrected atmospheric reanalyses downwelling solar radiation

Despite having the same downward solar radiation, GLDAS models have almost the same uncertainty as reanalysis models. Observations have less uncertainty in most places.

LDAS has low QRS and low LE -QR=LP+SH Reanalyses too wet? Are RESG and REST measures of closure?

Using either GLDAS or reanalysis surface fluxes gives about the same closure error ~ 20 W/m**2

Next Steps Our goal is to use the “best available” GEWEX and other global data sets to assess our current uncertainty in characterizing and simulating global and regional water and energy cycles over the land in general and the CSEs in particular for the ~ -1986-1995+ time period. We would like to eventualy characterize our current uncertainty in describing the global water and energy budgets, but to do this we will need to develop combined ocean and land data sets. This will probably be for a different time period since many satellite ocean flux data sets begin in the 90’s We would also like to eventually include MERRA* and other NEWS** datasets to compare with these WEBS datasets *The pending NASA Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications **NASA Energy and Water-cycle Study