TrendSpotter Spot the trend and understand! Freie Universität Berlin Networked Information Systems ( Head: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Tolksdorf Olga Streibel
iPhoneAndroid …why my iPhone crashes good for me free software as great as expected problems with TomTom update Apple has trained iPhone owners to enjoy paying for digital content Queries Twitter messages
Idea Our service understands trends and delivers this knowledge to the customer
Spot the trend and understand Chief Culture Officer Marketing Cultural Event Organizer
Market and turnover Germany: SMEs potentially interested in trends 3000 customers 99 per month = 3.5 Mio /year
Team Sales R&D CEO R&D Prof. Dr.-Ing Robert Tolksdorf Dipl. Inform. Benedikt Meuthrath Dipl. Inform. Marco Kranz Dipl. Inform. Olga Streibel
Spot the trend and understand! Freie Universität Berlin Networked Information Systems ( Head: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Tolksdorf