The Millennial Generation and Technology By Lama Wehbi
The Millennial Generation The Millennial Generation is also referred to as “Generation Y”, “net generation”, and “echo boomers” The generation was called echo boomers because of the baby boom around the 1980’s and 1990’s The Millennial Generation consists of those born between 1980 and 2000.
Stereotype The millennial generation is generally marked as the era with a increase of technological usage. The generation is also more connected with their peers. The rise of technology during the time of the echo boomers impacted the amount of technology the generation used. Instant Messaging, e-mails and social networking made it easier to communicate with acquaintances and people that are not seen on a day to day basis. Though this stereotype that technology plays a overwhelming role in millennial’s life may not apply to the entire echo boomers generation, it seems to be true for the majority.
Texting Communication today is not what it used to be. Today the average millennial tends to avoid face to face communication and goes for the impersonal approach of texting. Texting provides a quick and easy way to get a message to family or friends.
Texting and School Texting is not only a source of communication, but also entertainment. 95% of students surveyed say that they bring their cell phone to class. 91% admitted to using their phones during class. 50% of students find it very easy to text without the professor noticing.
Cell Phone usage Increase Cell Phones usage has expanded from just making calls to picture taking playing games, email etc.
Social Networking 75% have created a profile on a social networking site Social networking is a way to keep in touch with basically anyone and everyone you want. Whenever you glance over at a laptop, especially while at a university it would be a surprise if you didn’t see Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or any other type of social network site up.
Gaming Systems What has happened to walks in the park? Or bike rides down the street? Gaming systems happened. The millennial generation spends a lot of there free time playing on their Wii , Xbox, Play station etc. From the chart you can see that the usage of the play station and PSP have increased dramatically in the past couple years.
Technologies affect on Millennial’s The technology may have caused lack of independence, and lack of attention span due to constant texting. Their poor conflict resolution skills is due to the decrease in face to face confrontation. Though the use of technology has some negative affects, it also has positive ones. Being able to interact with several people through the internet has made them well adjusted to group work. They are able to multitask much easier then generations before. Ex: they can listen to music, do work, and watch T.V all at the same time. They are also more aware of politics and what's going on in the world because they have social networks, emails and other sources of information streaming them new updates.
Conclusion The stereotype that Millennials are wrapped up in technology is very true. Millenials have been given a privilege of having a fast efficient way of communication, and receiving and researching information. Technology has taken a large role in the life of the average millennial. At almost every moment they have some sort of technology at the palm of their hands, whether it be a cell phone, game controller or laptop. Technology has affected Millennials because their way of thinking, and their perspectives are very different from those of generations before. Though the technology may cause a few set backs, 24% of Millennials have said that what makes their generation so unique is “their use of technology.”
Works Cited "Google Image Result for Http://" Google. Web. 30 Mar. 2011. <,356&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=300&oei=0pCSTdrYLsrJgQeK3PAZ&page=2&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:22&tx=80&ty=37&biw=1366&bih=542>. "Google Image Result for Http://" Google. Playstation. Web. 30 Mar. 2011. <,270&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=275&oei=RZGSTaXOPMbYgQe98MCSAg&page=1&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:0&tx=72&ty=68&biw=1366&bih=542>.
Works Cited cont. "GENERATION Y - THE MILLENNIAL GENERATION." Home | Honolulu Community College. Web. 30 Mar. 2011. <>. 24, February. "The Millennials: Confident. Connected. Open to Change." Pew Research Center. Web. 30 Mar. 2011. <>. Sniffing. "College Students Texting During Class." Technology & Gadgets | GeekSugar. Web. 30 Mar. 2011. <>.