Elements of clinical and cultural diagnosis in dermatomycosis of domestic carnivores Băcescu Bogdan, Petruţ Tănase Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ’Spiru Haret’ iris_dancu@yahoo.com
BACKGROUND Increased incidence of skin diseases in carnivores requires compliance with a protocol of clinical and laboratory examination in order to provide diagnostic data as relevant as possible for a correct therapeutic approach. Diagnosis of skin disease requires diferentiation of etiologies and establishing a primary cause or identifying has a complex etiology. Mycological examination is needed to determine a primary cause of skin disease such as fungal or how an oportunistic micets can complicate a skin disease with other etiology. such as fungal
MATERIALS AND METHODS The research was conducted on a total of 152 dogs and 67 cats of different ages and breeds having various skin diseases. Each case was examined clinically dermatological resorting to further investigations (biochemical examination of blood, hematology) that were followed by microscopic examination of the hair and cultural examination for possible identification of species of dermatophytes Lesions predominated on the head - around the mouth, eyes, ears, muzzle and thorax - chest, axilar and dorsal area. Rarely lesions was localisated on interdigital space, nails, tail, scrotal skin. primary lesions had a circular shape, followed by progressive diffuse enlargement. in first stage pruritus was absent and present in chronic form with eritem, local hipersensivity , hiperkeratosis and crusting.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Hair examination was carried out after settling with aniline blue-lactofenol solution (Merck) or picric acid (Sanimed). This method allowed the identification of spores and hyphae and provided data on changes in structure from the cortex and medulla of the hair. In case of suspecting lesions produced in infestations with Malassezia, skin scrapings were stained using Diff-Quick method. Examination of hair and skin scrapings by clarification with NaOh or KOh in various concentration between 10 and 30 % has a relative value in diagnostic because is dificult to identify species of fungi after appearance of spores. Tough observation of spores endo- or ectotrix has an clinical importance because impose antimicotic treatement. By examination of hair can be seen structural changes – discontinuities of medulla, cortical exfoliation, loss of pigment - elements related to metabolic or hormonal dysfunction
MATERIALS AND METHODS For cultural examination various culture media were used : pure Saboraud , chloramphenicol Saboraud, Christensen(Sanimed); this examination aimed at identifying and differentiating colonies of dermatophytes from those of opportunistic fungi. Christensen medium was used to distinguish the species of genus Trichopyton by the ability to reduce ureea ( color changing)
RESULTS Dermatomycosis incidence in dogs was 76.3% of which 56.8% were diagnosed with microsporia, 42.25% with trichophytosis and 0,865% with Malassezia infection. Dermatomycosis had an incidence of 59.4% in adult dogs and 40.5% in young ones.
RESULTS Microsporum canis Colonies with puffy aspect, white-yellow, yellow reverse Macroconidia fusiform, elongated, with a recurved tip and pluriseptat interior Microsporum gypseum Colonies with puffy aspect, cream, brown reverse Macroconidia ellipsoidal, 6-8 cavitys, echinulated wall
RESULTS Trichopyton mentagrophytes Colonies white puffy aspect,cream, brown reverse, edge whith acicular aspect Macroconidia elongated , whith compartments (baseball bat), sometimes the presence of vrils Christensen- ureazo- pozitiv Trichopyton rubrum Colonies puffy or granular white pink, red reverse Macroconidia elongated, cylindrical, smooth, 2-6 compartments Trichopyton verrucosum Colonies whith glabrous aspect, yellowish-white with no reverse pigment Circular chlamydospores , arranged in chains
RESULTS Most media culture of dermatophyte colonies had secondary colonies considered opportunistic fungi but may can indicate a reduction in immune capacity or complicating primary outbreak. Differentiation is necessary because it can prevent a pathological process complicated and requires appropriate therapy. Alternaria alternata Aspergillus : niger , flavus , fumigatus Cladosporium spp. Mucor mucedo Penicillium : oxalicum, lividum Rhizopus spp. Rhodotorula rubra
DISCUSSION Veterinary medical practice in Romania indicate the following problems related to the diagnosis and treatment dermatomycosis: - Limitation only on a clinical diagnosis, , superficialized anamnesis, approach of therapies that complicating the diseases (corticosteroids); - Performing only microscopic examination of hairs clarified; - Ignoring cultural mycological examination (often is invoked duration) and therefore the possibility of differentiation of genera and species; - Ignoring clinical involvement of opportunistic fungi. la carnivore