Anti-diabetics Pterocarpus PH103.45
DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION ANDHRA PRADESH Name : B. Janaki Ramayya Designation : Sr. Lecturer Branch : Pharmacy Institute : GPW, Srikakulam Year/Semester : I. D.Pharm Subject : Pharmacognosy Subject code : Ph-103 Topic : Anti-diabetics Duration : 50 Mts Sub-topic : Pterocarpus Teaching Aids : Ppt, Photographs PH103.45 ER-91/PH-103/1 of 5
Recap Chaulmoogra oil In the last class we learnt about Contains unsaturated fatty acids Effective against Leprosy Caused by Mycobacterium leprae PH103.45
OBJECTIVES On completion of this period you would be able to know about : Definition of ANTI-DIABETICS and Monograph of PTEROCARPUS PH103.45
ANTI-DIABETICS Definition : The substances used in the treatment of diabetes are known as ANTI-DIABETICS. DIABETES: Inability of the body to utilise glucose, due to failure of Pancreas to secret Insulin in sufficient quantity. PH103.45
ANTI-DIABETICS Synthetic drugs used in the treatment of Diabetes: Tolbutamide Chlorpropamide Natural oral Anti-diabetics: Gymnema Bitter gourd Jambhul and Indian Kino (Pterocarpus) PH103.45
PTEROCARPUS Synonym : Indian kino tree, Bijasal, Biological Source : Malabar kino Biological Source : Consists of dried juice of the plant obtained by making vertical incisions on the stem Pterocarpus marsupium Family : Leguminosae PH103.45
PTEROCARPUS Geographical Source : Mainly found in India. Gujarat, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh UP, WB, Orrisa Assam,Karnataka Fig.45.1 Pterocarpus PH103.45
PTEROCARPUS Organoleptic characters: Colour : Ruby-red Odour : Odourless Taste : Astringent Size : 3 to 5 to 10 mm granules Shape : Angular grains Fig.45.2 Pterocarpus PH103.45
PTEROCARPUS Chemical Constituents : Kinotannic acid (70 -80% ) Kino-red Kinoin Pyrocatechin Resin and Gallic acid Fig.45.3 Pterocarpus PH103.45
PTEROCARPUS Chemical tests: 1. Drug solution + Ferrous sulphate Green Colour Violet 2. Drug solution + Potassium hydroxide 3. Drug solution + Mineral acid Precipitate PH103.45
PTEROCARPUS Uses : Anti-diabetic Astringent Anti-diarrhoeal To control passive Haemorrhage In the treatment of Toothache In Dyeing, Tanning and Printing PH103.45
SUMMARY In this class we learnt about Pterocarpus marsupium Belongs of the Family Leguminosae Contains Kinotannic Acid as main constituent Used As Antidiabetic and Astringent. PH103.45
QUIZ Q 1. Pterocarpus belongs to the family a. Scrophulariaceae b. Leguminosae c. Solanaceae d. Asclepiadaceae PH103.45
Quiz 2. Pterocarpus is used as a. Anti-pyretic b. Anti-septic c. Anti-diabetic d. Anti-viral PH103.45
Frequently asked Questions State the Biological name, Chemical Constituents, and Uses of “ PTEROCARPUS “. ( December ‘ 2003) 2. Give two examples for Anti-diabetics. (March’ 2003) (December’ 2001) PH103.45