For Computer Society Internal Use Only IEEE CS PPC, Nov 2007 TCSE Report Standards Activities Board Meeting March 20, 2009 Submitted by Paul Croll Updated title per Bob’s comments IEEE CS SAB March 2009 For Computer Society Internal Use Only For Computer Society Internal Use Only
IEEE CS Technical Council on Software Engineering (TCSE) Terms of Reference Provide a forum for exchange of ideas among interested practitioners, researchers, developers, maintainers, users and students in the software engineering field world-wide. Promote and facilitate the sharing of ideas, techniques, standards, and experiences between TCSE members for more effective use of software engineering technology. Conduct workshops, conferences, and other meetings to advance both the state-of-the-art and the state-of-the-practice of software engineering. Publish and distribute among its members, and other IEEE-CS parties, newsletters, proceedings, standards proposals, and other appropriate material on a non-profit basis. Provide professional development opportunities for members in software engineering and related technologies. Foster other activities for the advancement of the software engineering field and the interests of TCSE membership within the scope of TCSE's charge under the rules of the IEEE-CS, including cooperating with other groups in joint activities and projects. IIEEE CS SAB March 2009 For Computer Society Internal Use Only
TCSE Current Activity Highlights Twenty-Nine current conferences, workshops and symposia S2ESC Maintaining collection of 40+ Standards New CD-ROM version of the collection is almost ready for release Hyperlinked Aligned with SWEBOK Expanding areas of standardization Collaboration with IEEE Reliability Society New efforts in medical informatics in collaboration with the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) and IEEE-SA Agile software engineering Service Oriented Architecture System Integration Practitioner Outreach Systems and Software Technology Conference (SSTC 2009) NDIA Software Industry Experts Panel IEEE Computing Professionals Conference, April 2010 IIEEE CS SAB March 2009 For Computer Society Internal Use Only
TCSE Strategic Planning Outcomes More effective partnership with the Computer Society on support for our conferences Revitalized relationship with the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) Soon-to-be released TCSE web portal that will offer a collaborative environment for our community, including our CSDP and CSDA certification holders, as well as increased visibility for our conferences and university research programs Outreach to the practitioner community, including strategic relationships with industry Liaison relationships Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Software Engineering Education Community IEEE Reliability Society Object Management Group (OMG) Chief software engineers from major firms Government policy makers Software leaders in the small business community IIEEE CS SAB March 2009 For Computer Society Internal Use Only
For Computer Society Internal Use Only IEEE CS PPC, Nov 2007 For More Information . . . Paul R. Croll Chair, IEEE CS Technical Council on Software Engineering Computer Sciences Corporation 17021 Combs Drive King George, VA 22485-5824 Phone: +1 540.644.6224 Fax: +1 540.663.0276 e-mail: Web: IIEEE CS SAB March 2009 For Computer Society Internal Use Only For Computer Society Internal Use Only