Patrina Sili ID No. – S11059371 E01 Campus Changing the culture of learning: Integrating Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching and Learning at USP Patrina Sili ID No. – S11059371 E01 Campus
Presentation Overview Introduction Web 2.0 tools USP is currently using for Teaching and Learning Other Web 2.0 tools available for students and lectures to enhance communication, collaboration and information sharing The potential benefits of investing in above tools Critical issues to consider before adopting Web 2.0 applications for education Conclusion
Introduction World Wide Web has made everything easier People now have the ability to create, collaborate, share, and publish content online Web 2.0 application is more of a service provider
Web 2.0 Tools USP is currently using for Teaching and Learning Content collaboration tools: Wikis Google Blogs eLearn Media sharing tools: YouTube(videos) Flikr(pictures) Social networking tools: Skype Gmail Yahoo!
Other Web 2.0 tools available for students and lectures to enhance communication, collaboration and information sharing Social networking tools: Wikispaces Classroom MinecraftEdu Sumdog Tween Tribune Twiducate Blackboard EDU2.0
Other Web 2.0 tools available for students and teachers..... (cont) Content collaboration tools ChannelME Mind42 Entri Hackpad Synchtube Dabbleboard Bounce
Other Web 2.0 tools available for students and teachers...... (cont) Media sharing tools: Sky Drive ZippyShare
The potential benefits of investing the above tools There are two reasons that benefits you in these media sharing sites Your tribe message is a natural fit. It's easier for you to produce video than written word. One of the major benefits of using social media tools mentioned above is teaching students to communicate openly, honestly, and above all kindly with their peers. Collaboration web site tools that are also being mentioned above have the ability to connect administrators, teachers, students and parents.
Critical issues to be considered before adopting Web 2 Critical issues to be considered before adopting Web 2.0 applications for education Information is more difficult to monitor and secure. Lack or loss of connectivity prevents work for those students depending on them. Service interruption are outside the organization’s control Their casual nature may blur the line between education and personal use. Data available for forensic examination is lost when data is moved from local storage.
Conclusion Not only that Web 2.0 gives benefits to students and other users but it also has side effects. Thus I propose a design for a more effective recommendation system that can overcome these issues.
Bibliography Glossary of Web 2.0 Terms.”Web2ForDev. N.p., 2007. Web. 24 Oct 2010. Gediminas Adomavicius , Alexander Tuzhilin, Toward the Next Generation of Recommender Systems: A Survey of the State-of- the-Art and Possible Extensions, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, v.17 n.6, p.734-749, June 2005 [doi>10.1109/TKDE.2005.99] John S. Breese, David Heckerman, and Carl Kadie. Empirical Analysis of Predictive Algorithms for Collaborative Filtering. pages 43-52. Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.