CARE Angola CO Summary Report September 2006 Jennie Perzon Jennifer Jaramillo
Outline Background Initial Findings Angola Current Situation Angola ADP Project Objectives ADP Deliverables Approach CO Approach Summary Initial Findings Angola Context Summary CARE Angola’s Vision Journey Key Success Factors Lessons Learned Key Focus Areas Current Situation Angola Challenges and Goals & Objectives Recommended Activities for Key Challenges Summary overview for key priorities Support Activities by ADP team Process Workshop Staff Capacity Building Workshop Outcomes Contact information © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Project Objectives The ADP project objectives are to collaboratively address short-term and long-term CARE goals for handling organizational impact as a result of reduced resources. Provide support to the four selected COs in addressing the impact of reduced resources, particularly FFP resources Document and package approaches, tools, and lessons learned for a globally relevant methodology that other CARE COs can use in the future Guiding Principles Balance CO’s immediate needs with globally relevant resources and priorities CARE and ADP collaboratively team together to achieve project objectives Align project with ongoing initiatives including the CARE USA Strategic Plan, CO Entry/Exit Criteria, and CO Business Models Engage key stakeholders for consultation Share knowledge and mutual learning across the organization Facilitate re-use of approaches, processes, and tools © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
ADP Project - Deliverables Approach Angola Key findings CO Summary Interim Recommendations and Activities Global Report Context (Industry and CARE Strategy) Reference Documentation Project Overview and Approach Guiding Principles Assumptions CO Summary x 4 Key Findings Lessons Learned Key Success Factors Conclusions & Recommendations Key Deliverables Support Materials (Templates, Tools and Checklists) Final Workshop Presentation Key Findings CO Summary Interim Recommendations and Activities Tajikistan Key Findings CO Summary Interim Recommendations and Activities Bolivia Honduras Key Findings CO Summary Interim Recommendations and Activities © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Country Office Approach Develop an understanding of current operations By using a top-down approach conduct meetings / workshops and Interviews with key people in CO Review of relevant documentation (strategy, process, policy etc.) Sub-office and Field visits Develop an understanding of the environment in which the CO operates Social, political, economical situation and trends Donor and NGO environment and trends Conduct analysis to identify CO’s key challenges and goals Impact of removal of resources Focus on Operations (Admin, Finance and HR) Alignment with findings from ATL HQ meetings Validate and prioritize challenges Meetings, workshops and document review with key stakeholders Short term vs. long term priorities Collaboratively develop solutions and recommended activities Work with relevant people in CO to develop and implement (tools templates) Focus on change management (org structure, R&R, Communication, training etc.) Facilitate knowledge sharing Communicate lessons learned Share Key Success factors Document findings CO Summary Input to global report Validate with CO SMT, RMU, ATL HQ Wk.1-2 Wk.3-4 © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Angola Context Economic Social Political NGO Economy growing Positive changes underway Highly inflated market High cost of operations Low local capacity Political Elections on the horizon Government is playing a larger role in service delivery to Angolans Laws are being analyzed with input from civil society Trend towards privatization Social High inequality between rich and poor More opportunity for creating increased space for civil society (need to increase voice of civil society and non-state actors) Some corruption in the legal system Angola NGO Changing donor environment New NGO law being developed bringing some additional constraints Competing / partner NGOs Some other NGOs are closing down programs (ex. WFP) © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
CARE Angola’s Vision We envision a democratic Angola where management of public resources is transparent and government policies are well defined and duly implemented in a manner that encourages inclusive participation of all social groups such that Angola’s population achieves a decent standard of living. Communities will know their rights and obligations. Infrastructure will be reconstructed, providing access to basic services such as health and education. Food insecurity will be overcome; agricultural production will be in full expansion, through active trade between rural and urban areas. The fight against HIV/AIDS will be integrated into all development interventions. © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Increase program impact Journey Increase program impact Transform Improve and strengthen Angola CO is here CARE Angola Vision Stabilize Maintain and Repeat Innovative programs with high impact Focus on continuous improvement Continue towards CARE’s mission and vision Restructure Build the foundation Develop skills and capacity Create standard processes Refine structure Analyze Determine the change Strategic Planning Identify vision SMT led process Transparent process with staff Team leads mapped out processes and tasks Sub offices tasked with same activities Need for more flexible and agile org Based on M. Fuhrer’s financial analysis report Operating cost needed reduction by 50% Restructure and org changes in June 05 Trend towards capacity building programs Begin organizational evolution Removal of large infrastructure / service delivery funding Operations and SPC implications © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved. Timeline
Key Success Factors for Angola Key Success Factors for the re-structure (2005) Applied systematic process to re-structure Analysis of impact Discussions with RMU and consultant regarding analysis SMT engaged to determine future structure. Open discussions. Core Management Team created to organize functions and determine roles/positions going forward Staff meetings conducted and communication provided in both Portuguese and English Involved SWARMU leadership Very strong SMT who very involved in choosing the structure Engaged key staff in the re-structure process Conducted formal knowledge transfer for key roles (ex. National Program Director, HR Manager) Specific examples of ideas that worked well during re-structure Regular staff meetings as part of business as usual (Both CO and SO) Proposal Design Team run as a trial for one proposal Establishment of Knowledge Sharing Groups Program groups (learning outcomes) Working groups (ex people doing HR activities meet to share ideas, policy review etc) Consortia education sessions (Lubango ran training sessions on Care policies for consortia members) LURE program structure success Close relationship with the donor Investment into staff (training, involvement and early exposure) Re-structure for Program Managers, changed their responsibility areas to reflect “industry” Up-skilled drivers to take on some administrative tasks © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Lessons Learned from Angola re-structure (1:2) With the re-structure in 2005 Angola built the foundation for aligning with the new strategy. Below are a number of lessons learned from the re-structure process. Some of these have been implemented successfully, where others are still in progress and will be highlighted as key focus areas later in the presentation. Balance Financial viability vs. Quality of program (services) Reorganise with alignment to both strategy and financial viability Balance impact on quality of service to program area Monitor and Evaluate throughout the process Ensure Broad Financial Analysis to identify areas of saving Options and cost of internal meetings (ex. SMT) Options and cost of sub-contracted services (in-house vs outsourcing) Options for reallocating management level roles and responsibilities Include any potential salary increase as a result of expansion of responsibilities Investigate options of merging office facilities (with SO, other NGO etc.) Update Policies and Procedures to reflect re-structure Ensure control mechanisms and conflict of interests do not overlap in new structure Determine ownership and assign maintenance responsibilities Document new Roles and Responsibilities Allocate and document any new or “merged” tasks Align new expanded roles with appropriate compensation and promotion structure Update and Expand Infrastructure to match new structure Authorities and access (PC access in SO to driver) © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Lessons Learned from Angola re-structure (2:2) Encourage deep engagement and input from Sub offices Donor specific requirement (local) Hidden dependency of SO on CO functions Local reporting constraints (ex. access to system ex SCALA) Procurement variations (ex. availability of local materials) Plan for Staff Engagement & Motivation of Staff Involve people in the process early Transparent process and communication (explain why decisions are made) Focus on increased morale following restructure Ensure alignment of compensation with any expanded roles Invest time and effort in Capacity and skill Building Train staff for expanded roles and responsibilities (HR and Finance skills particularly important) Utilize internal movement of people to up-skill in particular areas (ex. drivers took on more logistics role) Ensure to allow enough time for training and Knowledge Sharing Ensure support for key roles during transition Spread training across all functions (ex. some HR training to people with expanded roles that now includes some HR functions) © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Key Focus Areas for Angola Strategy & Vision Governance Programs CI strategy impact on identifying future state CARE USA strategy SWARMU and CO strategy CARE Leadership from RMU and Atlanta Any governance processes or bodies to oversee CO Transition Program dependency on operations Impact of operational change Country Operations Financial Viability Funding pipeline Scenario analysis SPC Processes and Systems Policies and procedures Workload Organizational Structure Roles and responsibilities Reporting lines Job descriptions Staff Development Skill analysis Capacity development Communications Workshops Forums Retention & Succession Management Knowledge Sharing Monitoring & Evaluation Retention strategy Talent management Succession planning Identify key success factors and lessons learned Share transition process with other CARE COs Share within CO / RMU Measure success and impact of transition Measure success of ongoing operations Integrate metrics into CARE’s broader M&E and reporting mechanisms © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Current Situation Challenges Goals and Objectives Policies / processes not updated to reflect restructure; Control mechanisms are still “old way” Lack of documented processes for key tasks, especially for de-centralized functions Quality of service is varied High quality program support services Clear and efficient processes Flexibility in staffing Processes and Systems Fewer people to manage workload Roles not allocated to effectively support the CO Unclear roles, responsibilities, and accountability within and between ATL, CO, SO Key role vacancies Alignment of salary to new roles Clear roles and responsibilities Sustainable workload Ownership and accountability for functions and processes Opportunities for career development Organizational Structure Lack of appropriate skills to perform new (expanded) roles Lack of time to perform new “merged” roles High dependency on some key people and lack of succession planning Maximize capacity of staff Decreased dependency on key individuals Understanding and compliance with CARE policies Increased quality of service Staff Capacity Organisation and staff not yet settled after the re-structure Lack of motivation of team to perform in new roles (and new policies) Retention of key staff is a key concern Motivated staff Increased staff retention Transparent organisation Strong Leadership Communication © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Recommended Activities Processes and Systems Challenges Recommended Activities Benefits Policies / processes not updated to reflect restructure; Control mechanisms are still “old way” Lack of documented processes for key tasks, especially for de-centralized functions Quality of service is varied Schedule and conduct Process Design workshop with a representative sample of key stakeholders Process steps Inputs and outputs Frequency and timing Volume Complexity Identify improvements and level of impact to current operations Document detailed process Determine process ownership Develop evaluation criteria and performance metrics Efficient and effective processes Increased quality and accuracy Clarity around process Knowledge documented for training and knowledge transition; provides more flexibility in staffing Key Focus Areas Procurement Inventory Finance Tools & Resources CARE Policies © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Organizational Structure Challenges Recommended Activities Benefits Fewer people to manage workload Roles not allocated to effectively support the CO (ie. Procurement) Unclear roles and responsibilities within and between ATL, CO, SO (specifically Finance) Key role vacancies (Fin Manager) Unclear accountability and ownership of functions and processes Alignment of salary to new roles Schedule and conduct RACI workshop with a representative sample of key stakeholders Transfer responsibilities into other positions (ex. Splitting out some Gen Svc activities) Update job descriptions with appropriate skills and competencies Review salary and other incentives for impacted positions Develop transition plan for impacted people Workload is appropriately spread Defined ATL, SWARMU, CO, and SO roles and responsibilities will maximize capacity and support while maintaining local flexibility Clarity in roles will increase accountability and ownership Career development opportunities and performance criteria will increase motivation Key Focus Areas Procurement HR Finance General Services Dependencies Documented Process B C D A Tools & Resources Competency Model CARE Transition Management Plan © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Recommended Activities Staff Capacity Challenges Recommended Activities Benefits Lack of appropriate skills to perform new (expanded) roles Lack of time to perform new “merged” roles High dependency on some key people and lack of succession planning Training and Capacity building for key areas (Finance &HR) Expand roles of existing team people to offload Admin function Clear Knowledge Sharing documentation of key processes Increased quality of service Appropriate and role specific skills and knowledge among staff Lowered dependency on specific individuals Key Focus Areas Finance Procurement (Gen Svcs) HR Conduct Skills Analysis to determine gaps Develop Training Plan Specific training General training Knowledge Sharing Coaching and Mentoring Conduct Training (conduct workshops ex. Finance) Expand roles of existing team people (align with Org Structure activities) Optimize Gen Services role / transfer and train responsibility (procurement etc.) Plan for Succession Management for Key Roles Assign ownership of key Capacity Building tasks Dependencies Clear Roles and Responsibilities Polices and Processes Tools & Resources Training Guides Support from HQ Learning Organization © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Recommended Activities Communication Challenges Recommended Activities Benefits Organisation and staff not yet settled after the re-structure Lack of motivation of team to perform in new roles (and new policies) Retention of key staff is a key concern Ensure transparency across all processes Increase communication within and across Offices (utilizing existing forums) SMT to lead and inspire a positive culture Motivated staff Increased Staff retention Transparent organisation Key Focus Areas Accountability / Honesty / Responsibility Status / Progress / Current Events Determine Communication Needs Develop Communication Plan (Within and Across AL / SWARMU / CO / SO) including Communication activities & Meeting Calendar (audience, content, responsible) Assign Owners Publish/ Post Communication Plan Obtain support materials (Communication materials (vision, mission posters, photos etc.) Conduct Peer communication sessions Dependencies Training and Capacity Building Clear Roles and Responsibilities Tools & Resources CARE Communication Guides / standards Globally available Communication mtls © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Support Activities – Process Workshop Objectives Procurement: (1) Update procurement policies, (2) Identify improvements, (3) Document roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities Inventory: (1) Provide clarity around inventory policies, (2) Document roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities Document in user-friendly template Engage key staff in order to transfer knowledge of approach and “know-how” for using templates Outcomes Updated process to reflect re-structure (only 1 person in procurement) Standardized process compliant with internal controls across CO (HO and SO) Segregated roles by tasks in compliance with internal controls Created clear criteria for authorization Increased efficiency by minimizing control mechanisms (vary by amount) Documented in user-friendly template Knowledge sharing among admin staff from different offices within the CO Trained admin staff on re-using the template and process Materials that can be used for training and knowledge sharing Decreased reliance on individual knowledge of process Tool to support metrics and identify performance issues © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
DRAFT © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Support Activities – Capacity Building Workshop Objective: To run a collaborative workshop identifying high level gaps and determining Angola’s Approach to capacity building Engage key staff in order to transfer knowledge of approach and “know-how” for using tools and templates Outcome: Conducted high level capacity gap analysis Documented Angola capacity building overview (see next slide for summary) Identified potential learning barriers and developed mitigation actions (see next slide for summary) Identified top 5 priorities and next steps “Know-how” and user-friendly tools and templates © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Capacity Building Overview Angola Capacity Building Program Specific Capacity Building General Capacity Building Knowledge Sharing Coaching and Mentoring Orientation Training Language (English) Finance HR Management Systems (eg SCALA) Monitoring and Evaluation Proposal Development CARE Policies and Procedures (refresher / orientation) Vision and Values (refresher / orientation) Accountability / Responsibility Conflict Resolution Transparency – what does it mean New Roles Promotions / Advancements Succession planning Existing Roles across CO/SO (ex. M&E) New Roles… Everyday coaching Mentoring High Level Components DRAFT Classroom training External Training Courses Workshops Hints & Tips Classroom training External Training Courses Presentations Peer Sessions Discussions Hints & Tips Regional / International visitors / Consultancies Scheduled meetings and works shadowing Site and Field visits TBC One on one sessions On-the-job Where performance issues have been identified CARE Materials: Tips for Giving Feedback . Link to performance management Sample Delivery Methods © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Barriers and Suggested Mitigation Activities Barriers to Capacity Building Suggested Mitigation Activities Nobody available to back-fill activities when person on training course Lack of sufficient planning and prioritizing skills among staff Courses often “2 weeks away” or out of country – difficult with local commitments Run Workshop for Management to increase planning and prioritization skills Success plan / plan for backfill options Investigate local courses / alternative options for training and run smaller workshops to increase knowledge not “all or nothing” Not Enough time to participate in Training Most training courses are run in English Most policies and procedures are in English Majority of CARE documentation and training documentation are in English Knowledge Sharing across CO’s are in English Some lack of Portuguese in international staff Conduct English training for key people Investigate local course options Translate key documentation into Portuguese Run peer training sessions / workshop in Portuguese Incentives, clubs and meetings in English Lack of Language skills DRAFT Few local courses available – adding travelling expense to training cost People leave organisation shortly after training for better employment offers Nature of the business and program staffing (people leave after program ends) Group sessions rather than individual training Investigate available scholarships Investigate what training that Donors will pay for Implement and enforce existing policy of employee reimburse training if leave CARE within 12 months Training is costly investment Training not widely recognised as value-ad activity Lack of personal commitment to training and improvements Leadership team to promote learning as key activity Incorporate learning into CARE Angola Culture Training not a prioritized activity © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Outcomes Global Benefits Country Office Benefits Developed a good understanding of change management approach and process needed for successful a re-structure Finalized an approach and frameworks to best capture, communicate and share findings with other CO’s Insight and documentation of Key Success Factors and Lessons Learned Country Office Benefits Insight to the CO team in how to approach key challenges ahead Targeted workshops for key priorities focusing on both skill building and deliverables Process Improvements Capacity Building Guidelines, templates and other support materials to be used in developing and implementing solutions *Key Success Factor for achieving these outcomes was the significant time and effort commitment of CARE Angola Management and Staff © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.
Thank You Thank you for graciously hosting us. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or comments at anytime. We look forward to continued progress. Jennie Perzon Email: Skype: jennie.perzon Mobile: +46 8 451 38 94 (Sweden) Jennifer Jaramillo Email: Skype: jennifer.jaramillo Mobile: 313-516-1199 (US) © 2006 Accenture. All rights reserved.