My digital Portfolio Name: Surname:
Warm colors create a warm, sunny feeling and advance toward the viewer Warm & Cool Colors Warm colors create a warm, sunny feeling and advance toward the viewer Cool colors produce a cold, icy feeling and create depth Warm colors create a warm sunny feeling and advance toward the viewer. Cool colors produce a cold, icy feeling and create depth.
ALL COLORS WARM NEUTRAL COOL WARM Colors like pink, red-violet, gold, peach,etc. are all members of the WARM family. The dominant hue in these combination colors is a WARM color. Colors such as lavender, blue-green, plum, indigo, etc. are considered to be cool colors. The dominant hue in these combination colors is a COOL color Neutral colors are not warm OR cool, but they will take on the look of both. Brown can look cool if it has a bluish tone in it, but it can also look warm if it has a yellow or reddish tone.
COLORS, EMOTIONS, AND YOU WARM colors will make people feel happy, excited or sometimes tense. C00L colors will make people feel calm,relaxed, peaceful, or even sad. Neutral colors will make people feel happy, or anxious if they are with WARM colors, and sad or peaceful if they are in with Cool colors .
WARM COLORS Yellow, orange, and red are called warm colors.
Cool Colors Blue, green, and purple are often labeled cool colors.
My painting in Mondrian’s style
My picture using warm colors
My picture using cool colors
My eclipse