Let’s share yesterday’s Analects!
Excerpts from the Book of Odes (446) Classical Chinese poetry One of the five classics and the oldest surviving literature Originally songs
“Mulberry on the Lowland” (447) Who is the speaker in the poem? Who/what is the subject of the poem (i.e. about whom is he/she speaking)? How is the imagery about the mulberry tree a bridge to the subject of the poem? Provide specific evidence (words and/or phrases). Why is this poem considered a Confucian poem (not written by him; written in a style and with ideas he would approve of)?
“We Pick Ferns, We Pick Ferns” (449) What does each stanza discuss? What imagery does it convey? This is actually a marching song used by soldiers, so… In groups of 4, choreograph your assigned stanza. Then, designate 1 person to read that stanza aloud to the class; the rest of your group will act it out as it’s read.