ANCIENT GREECE Architecture – columns - Doric / Corinthian Parthenon – dedicated to Athena Rows of columns on all 4 sides Government– Tried many governments Democracy - people ran the government Assembly- male citizens over 18could vote Pericles – leader of democracy worked in assembly for 32 years – called the “Age of Pericles” He introduced a jury system – jurors got paid Democracy wasn't really fair to all – women and slaves did not have a say
CONTINUED Entertainment– Theater (comedy/tragedy) Comedy – Aristophanes – Greek writer made fun of Aeschylus Tragedy – Aeschylus – Greek tragedy writer Most tragedies were in the morning to get the sadness over Theater plays were performed on carved out mountain sides Writers used chorus to give audiences background information
ANCIENT ROME Architecture – Romans used greek ideas but improved them Invented concrete and used it to build large structures and arches Aqueduct – path to bring fresh water into the city Roman roads – designed to last forever (heavy rocks in layers of crushed stones and pebbles) Coliseum – held over 50,000 people used concrete arches to make it bigger GOVERNMENT– Tried different gov’t systems – tried different systems - decided on a republic Senate - a law making body – 2 consuls must agree to make a law Patricians – rich families involved in the senate Plebeians – average people Tribune – group of 10 plebeians Only male citizens over the age of 18 with property could vote TWELVE TABLES – Foundation of roman law
CONTINUED ENTERTAINMENT – COLESIUM used for all types of entertainment Gladiators – trained to fight animals and other men Christians were sent to arena to die from animal attacks