The International Whaling Regime Discourses of Interests, Science and Morality POL S 384, Lecture 10
Background * Old practice made more deadly by tech. * 19th century: UK & US primary whalers * WWII -- commercial whaling nearly stopped * Easy issue: actors few, known and self-interested * Difficult: tragedy of the (global) commons POL S 384 Lec. 9
Discourse of Interests IWC established 1947 Annual quotas based on BWU (blue whale units) Global authority: regulates all whaling States can register objections Decisions must be based on science Decisions require 3/4 majority POL S 384 Lec. 9
Discourse of Interests (cont.) IWC in action, 1947-1970s Quotas set too high: MSY Non-compliance Stockholm (1972) recommended ten-year moratorium US threatened sanctions against IWC violators Pelly Amendment (1971) authorized sanctions Packwood-Magnuson Amendment (1979) POL S 384 Lec. 9
Discourses of science & morals 1970s: Whale as symbol of environmentalism Lead state: 1972 Marine Mammal Protection Act Activism beyond the state: direct action, videotaping Activism in IO: stacking the IWC with nonwhaling states Moratorium on commercial whaling signed in 1982, into force 1986 Alliance of scientific & moral discourses Norway registered objection, but observed the ban Exceptions for "scientific whaling" (Japan) & "aboriginal subsistence whaling" POL S 384 Lec. 9
Divergence of Science & Morals 1990s: Whale stocks replenished, especially minkes BUT ban continues 1994 Antarctic Whale sanctuary Iceland & Norway continue commercial whaling Japan continues "scientific" whaling Russia may resume whaling Indigenous whaling Q: Pragmatics vs. idealism? Q: Universal morality vs. cultural relativism? POL S 384 Lec. 9
Makah Whaling North Pacific gray whales Removed from Endangered Species list in 1994 A cultural tradition for 1500 years Stopped in 1920s with depleted population 1999: 1 whale killed 2004: U.S. court ruled that Makah must comply with MMPA process 2005: Makah submitted process, currently under review by government agencies POL S 384 Lec. 9