The new Global Currency Peace Paper The new Global Currency
200 p 200 p FRONT of Currency In Peace we Trust Global Currency Of Planet Earth FRONT of Currency
Global Currency Of Planet Earth 200 p BACK of Currency
Why did you choose the person you did for the front of your currency Why did you choose the person you did for the front of your currency? (Importance on an international scale) Ghandi G. was an international symbol of peace. His actions and his legacy live on in the minds of people everywhere of people as someone who believed in and died for peace. Why did you choose the picture on the back of your currency? (Representative of a global currency) I chose a landscape of the Norway countryside because according to MSNBC it was ranked as the most peaceful place to live. What symbols would be appropriate for a global currency? I chose to include the symbol of peace of the three major monotheistic religions of the world, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.