Creating Your Web Portfolio Directions
If you want to work ahead, you can get this powerpoint of my website. Camelback Webpage Academics Academic Departments English Alexandra Harmon Journalism Instructions for Everything
First, You will need to create a WordPress Account Go to Click “register” Fill in your information. You can make up your blog name and password. Write your password in your agenda RIGHT NOW!
Click “Create Blog” at the bottom of the page. Skip through steps 1-4 If you really want to create your own blog, do it later.
Now, you will need to connect to the class blog Go to your email. Click on the email I sent you from Journalism 1-2
Click “accept invitation”
Now you are ready to add your bio Once you are logged in, click on “my sites”
Click “Dashboard” under Journalism 1-2 You may have to log in and log out or refresh the page before it appears.
Hover over “Profile” Click “My Profile”
Click “Change your Gravatar” to upload your picture Type your profile where it says “About You” Make sure you put in your real name (that’s the only way I can grade it!) When you are finished, click “Update Profile.” You don’t have to fill in the rest unless you want to. Any information you post will be private to the public but viewable to the rest of our class.
Finally, post your podcast Hover over “posts” Click “Add New”
On the right hand-side, change the format to “Video.”
Sign into Vimeo Click on the “Share” button in the right-hand corner of the video It looks like a paper airplane.
Copy the text under “embed”
Back on your WordPress post, toggle over from “Visual” to “Test
Paste the text into the Post box Preview your video first to make sure it works When you are ready to submit, click “Submit for Review.”