The secret to Success in the tech lab (a.k.a. Very Important Computer Lab Rules)
Rule #1: When you enter the computer lab, take your seat and wait for instruction BEFORE logging on to the computer. Yes! Do this!
Infractions will be given for not following these rules.
Do not visit other sites, pages or apps without permission. Rule #2: Do not visit other sites, pages or apps without permission. If you are supposed to be working on a PowerPoint presentation, or practicing your typing skills, etc., then that is where you should be focusing your time while in the computer lab. Which student do you think is on task??
Now, for a word about all the many pieces of equipment in the computer lab. Due to the number of devices, cords, and all their parts, here are a few reminders about what you should and should not touch.
THINGS YOU SHOULDN’T TOUCH Someone else’s keyboard Someone else’s mouse Someone else’s headphones Someone else’s computer area Someone else’s chair Rule #3: Respect others’ property
THINGS YOU CAN TOUCH Your keyboard Your mouse Your headphones Your computer area Your chair
What is the next thing you should do? There are several… Scenario: You’ve been working diligently on a word document and your teacher says it’s time to go. What is the first thing you should do? Rule #4: SAVE YOUR WORK! (Save As…to your H drive) What is the next thing you should do? There are several… Rule #5: Straighten up your area: Keyboard straight, mouse in place to the right of your keyboard, headphones plugged in and hung up, chair pushed in.
LEARN TO BE A TROUBLESHOOTER! Help! My computer isn’t letting me log in. Be a Troubleshooter: Have you checked your typing? Did you misspell your login (username or password)? Is Caps Lock on? Have you tried typing it again, carefully? Help! My computer isn’t working. Are there any loose connections? If you are sitting at a computer in one of the middle rows, check your feet…is the cord plugged in? Have you tried to reboot it?
Help! I can’t hear anything. Be a Troubleshooter: Did you check the volume on your monitor screen? Did you check the dial on your headset (both ears)? Is your headset connected? (green circle on the N-computing box) Troubleshooting is trying to figure it out for yourself. Always be a troubleshooter before asking for help. Rule #6: Be a troubleshooter
Rule #7: Do Not turn off the monitor (computer screen). That is not your job. Your job is to simply log off the computer at the end of class. Always leave the monitor on.
Friendly reminder: Infractions will be given for not following computer lab rules. Do the right thing.
Always raise your hand and wait to be called on. rule #8: Always raise your hand and wait to be called on. Don’t interrupt people. Be polite!
How many of these rules can you remember? Review time! How many of these rules can you remember? (Raise your hand.)