Wednesday, April 19 Objective: Identify themes and symbols within Bless Me Ultima Agenda: Journal – free write (write about whatever you want!) Small Group Discussion Flash Fiction Notes Continue Reading in BMU Writing Prompt for Genre #1
Small Groups Meet in your small groups from yesterday (4-5 members only) Be sure everyone has a role – Facilitator, Timekeeper/On-Task Person, Scribe, and Spokesperson Wrap up your discussion, focusing on the following two questions: What new meanings or new symbols do we see being used in BMU? What is significant about Antonio’s dream at the end of chapter 2? Discuss as a whole class!
Flash Fiction
What is Flash Fiction? Depending on the source, you may receive many different answers to this question. What do you think it is? “A style of literature providing a complete story within 500-1000 words.” May also see ‘microfiction,’ ‘twitfics,’ and so on…
Flash Fiction Characteristics As the name implies, flash fiction has a very small word count, typically 500- 1000 words, though it may vary depending upon the publication. Not as brief as a 100-word story or six-word story, but some of the same skills are used. Flash fiction should tell a complete story. There should be a beginning, middle, and end, though the format or structure may be experimental. “The shorter the story, the harder it is to tell.” Conflict, Characters, and Character Arcs As with a beginning, middle, and end, flash fiction must include some kind of conflict, character(s), and change within the character(s).
How to craft flash fiction With such a short space to use, you can start in the middle of the story and build from there. Avoid including too many characters. Your ending does not have to be at the end. You want to avoid creating something like a reveal or punch-line at the end. Choose a title that is meaningful and related to the story. Be sure you use your real estate efficiently – no wasted words! Also, your last line should have the reader thinking about the story long after they have finished reading. Try writing long first and then shortening after the story is complete.
Reading on in BMU
Writing Prompt If you’re still searching for a place to start, try one of these writing prompts: Create a poem (try a series of haiku or free verse if you’re feeling stuck) about the vastness of the llano. You can explore why the Marez family feels free in the llano or the mystical element of the land. Write a flash fiction piece questioning the balance between life and death or between faith/innocence and sin/experience. Here are some starters to help… Antonio sees Lupito draw the fire of the men and die – he was sick and did not have to die… What could Antonio have done to stop him? If he was killed, was he meant to be forgiven? If so, who has the power to forgive him? The owl protects and guides Antonio much like Ultima – do Antonio’s brothers seem like they will protect him? His father or mother? Describe the actions of the owl as it watches over Antonio.
Topics from BMU Connection between people and the land The Llano – history, heritage, and family In-betweeness – faith, llano, destiny, decisions The River, Water (presence, la llorna, the golden carp) The war (WWII) – breaking apart families, making people sick or different Catholicism/Spiritualism or Mysticism Witchcraft – curandera v. bruja Destiny – Antonio(priest, vaquero, curandera) Strength from Within Forgiveness Family – betrayal, acceptance, influence Birth/Rebirth Dreams (symbolic, foreshadowing) Youth/innocence and Father/freedom and Mother/stability Age/Experience/Sin Owl (symbol, death, insight, wisdom, protection, warning) Ultima – symbol, character Life/Death Birth Ritual (tying Antonio to one place or destiny, bound to the land or free over it)