School District Strategic Energy Group Date: May 5, 2015 Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. - Winston Churchill Presenters: Strategic Energy Group
Before The Program Jersey Shore completed performance contracting with Johnson controls in 3 phases, 2002, 2005, and 2009. Equipment upgrades were done in each of those phases. The motivation to join the CEI program was to realize potential savings that could occur by changing behaviors in each building and also to reduce our carbon footprint while instructing students in viable energy practices. 2
Successful Elements The most successful and easiest part of the program for everyone to understand is the MT&R model CUMSUM graph. Students and staff can relate to the graph and can see how events affect our savings. The graph is simple to understand and provides a visual for our students and staff.
Pictures would be great! Awareness Program This is where you should spend the most time. Tell us what makes your program unique. Pictures would be great! Students and staff were surveyed at the various schools to obtain baseline data on the program. Surveys will be completed at each school at the end of the year as well.
Pictures would be great! Awareness Program This is where you should spend the most time. Tell us what makes your program unique. Pictures would be great! Staff and Administration is briefed at each faculty meeting each month. Staff is able to see the CUMSUM Savings for the month and also make suggestions.
Pictures would be great! Awareness Program This is where you should spend the most time. Tell us what makes your program unique. Pictures would be great! Awareness posters are placed in each classroom and around the school. The posters serve as a reminder for both students and staff and have had a beneficial result.
Awareness Program As part of the CEI elementary school rollouts, students competed to make an awareness video to show at the elementary schools. The winning videos are below.
Pictures would be great! Awareness Program This is where you should spend the most time. Tell us what makes your program unique. Pictures would be great! T-Shirts were made to promote the CEI program. The CEI program has become integrated into our school as well as our recycling program. FBLA has also partnered with us for some of their service projects.
Road Blocks The biggest issue we have is making sure everyone in the district is supporting the program and doing their part. We have had so many initiatives come and go that many feel this may be another one. We are going to make sure that students, staff, and administration understand this is a district wide initiative.
How do you plan to have a successful rollout program? Your Roll Out Plan How do you plan to have a successful rollout program? Introduce Staff to the program. Review successes at the high school with the elementary schools. Keep administration engaged. Get students involved early. Allow the program to evolve. Provide students and staff with as much information as possible about the program.
Additional Information Share anything else about the program you would like to present.
The Summary The priorities for next year are to continue to build the program. We are going to rollout the program to the elementary and middle schools this year with the hopes of getting more involvement for next year? The program has served to increase everyone’s awareness of their habits at the high school. The program has educated both students and staff on their ability to see where reductions in use may occur. It has saved the district money which can then be used in other areas. Time to complete everything I want to do is the only barrier at the high school. I find the cohort method very helpful to the program. I am able to listen to each school’s approach and take something from each to use at Jersey Shore. 12