What have these images got in common?
Fake News?
Pass:. To understand the difference between “fact” and Pass: To understand the difference between “fact” and “opinion” Higher: To evaluate how all forms of media persuade and influence opinion Star: To critically evaluate how the media reports on issues and analyse why they might attempt to use their platform for individual and corporate aims.
List all the types of media you can think of?
What is the purpose of the Media?
You might have seen this picture in the media recently You might have seen this picture in the media recently. What is happening?
How do we know what is real?
What has the woman said about what happened? “I’m shocked and totally dismayed at how a picture of me is being circulated on social media,” she said. “To those individuals who have interpreted and commented on what my thoughts were in that horrific and distressful moment, I would like to say not only have I been devastated by witnessing the aftermath of a shocking and numbing terror attack, I’ve also had to deal with the shock of finding my picture plastered all over social media by those who could not look beyond my attire, who draw conclusions based on hate and xenophobia.” https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/mar/24/woman-hijab-westminster-bridge-attack-victim-photo-misappropriated?CMP=fb_gu
What has the photographer said? “Looking back at the pictures now she looks visibly distraught in both pictures in my opinion,” he said. “She’s in the middle of an unfolding horrific scene ... I think her expression to me says that she’s horrified by what she’s seen and she just needs to get out of the situation. We were all being told to clear the bridge at various stages, so it’s not unreasonable to think she’d been told to leave the bridge at some point just like everybody else.” https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/mar/24/woman-hijab-westminster-bridge-attack-victim-photo-misappropriated?CMP=fb_gu
What does Winston Churchill mean by the quote below?
How can we prevent lies, assumptions and misunderstandings from being spread? Developing compassion for each other Improving education about real people, views and issues Encouraging critical thinking to analyse and question what we see Choosing Citizenship or Religious Studies will help you develop these skills so you can put a stop to “fake news” stories like the one we have just looked at.
If the purpose of the Media is to inform, then why so many “fake” stories and what is meant by the term “fake news”?
How to spot fake news Watch the clip and listen carefully to the suggestions as to how to spot fake news. Complete the worksheet referring to the key words on the next slide
Key Words Refugee Implying Fact Opinion A person who has had to leave their country due to persecution, natural disaster or war Suggesting/inviting us to believe Something that cannot be disproved Judgement, viewpoint or statement that is not always based on the truth.
Discuss worksheet.
How do we stop the spread of fake news? What can the Government do? 1 2 3 4 5 What can individuals do? 1 2 3 4 5
Not all news is fake!
A guide to critically evaluating the Media and making sure you do not accidently share fake news stories Top 5 tips
Extended writing activity. Use the guide below to help.