Welcome to Room 217 Mrs. Butala 2017-2018
Meet the Teacher… Mrs. Renee Butala 4th year at Coonley, CPS 10 years. Nationally Board Certified Masters of Science in Teaching and Learning Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education. 4th year at Coonley, CPS 10 years. Collaboration between teacher, parent and student is the most important!
Typical Day in Room 211 8:30-9:50 Reading/Writing 9:50-10:30 Special 10:30-11:00 Writing/Snack 11:00-12:20 Math 12:30-1:15 Lunch/Recess 1:15-1:2:35 Science or Social Studies 2:40-3:20 Special (M-W) 3:20 Agenda & Pack Up
New for 5th Grade Binders Lockers/Locks Chromebooks Atwood Switching Second Step Program (2nd Year at Coonley)
Executive Functioning Helping students refine and strengthen their organizational skills. Emphasizing that everything has a place. Schedule posted Use of Calendar and Agenda Objectives and time allotment posted Binder Checks
Each student will….. Work at instructional levels and encouraged to go above and beyond. Learn through exploration, investigation and discussion Share and reflect on what they discovered along the way
Language Arts Curriculum Highlights Fiction and Non-fiction Texts Novel studies Wonder Author memoirs in preparation for Novel Project Literature Circles (Out of My Mind, Fish in a Tree, Mockingbird) Touching Spirit Bear I am Malala (Young Reader Addition) College of William and Mary: Autobiographies and Memoirs Junior Great Books Wordly Wise Independent Reading Projects Poetry Unit
Writing Writing Workshop Memoirs, Argumentative Essays, Poetry, Informational Writing, Fictional Stories, Student direct instruction Based on student need – mini-lessons are developed to address those needs. G.U.M.
Science Structure and Properties of Matter: Chemical Tests You and Your Body Earth’s Systems Planetary Science Energy Transfer in Food Chains/Webs Human Impact on the Environment Science Fair: June
Behavior Expectations As a 5th grade student, in this classroom, I expect that each child comes to class with a respectful attitude. As a 5th grade student, in this classroom, I expect that each child comes prepared to class. As a 5th grade student, in this classroom, I expect that students turn around behavior when redirected. Homework down by the child, projects done by the child, Behavior system
Grading Grading scale Homework: 5% Classwork: 30% Assessments: 50 % 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C 60% - 69% D 59% below F Rubrics will be used to assess students Homework: 5% Classwork: 30% Assessments: 50 % Projects 15% Retake Policy Missing Assignments
Homework Expectations Homework will be utilized in class. It is important that the students complete their homework and turn it in on time. Late homework- Students must turn in a Missing Work slip and 10% deducted each day it is late. Missing work- will be noted as a 50% in the gradebook Absences – Students will have time to make up their work. This will be arranged between teacher and student.
Assessments MAP Assessment (September and May/June) STAR Reading Assessment PARCC Test (March-April) REACH Assessment (October and May)
Field Trips Oriental Institute – Winter Atwood Outdoor Education Center – End of March Mosaic- April Robert Crown - April
Reminders! Book Fee Money: $100 or $150 Fee Waiver Form for Lunch Temperatures vary in the Annex- sweater recommended! Media Consent Forms
Classroom Website http://butalabuzz.weebly.com/ Homework Upcoming Events/Announcements http://butalabuzz.weebly.com/
Communication *E-mail -I will do my best to respond within 24 hours of receiving the email. rklist@cps.edu *Phone (773) 534-5140 * Notes *Conferences (by appointment only) *Follow me on Twitter! @ButalaBuzz