Green Elementary School English Learner Advisory Committee Meeting October 2, 2017 Sarah Ansari, ELD Specialist
What is your name? What is your student’s grade? What languages do you speak? What is ONE hope for your student this school year?
ELAC Meeting Agenda Introductions What is English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)? Parent notification letters and CELDT (ELPAC 2018) Parent involvement DELAC (District English Learner Advisory Committee) Upcoming Events Importance of School Attendance Questions
Purpose of English Learner Advisory Committee When there are 21 or more English learners at a school site then there will be a functioning ELAC
Responsibilities of the ELAC Advise principal and school staff on English Learner Programs Advise School Site Council (SSC) on development of Single Plan for student achievement and success Advise principal and staff on needs assessment- spring Annual language census report Importance of school attendance Represent Green Elementary School at DELAC (District level)
Green Elementary School Current Total Enrollment: 853 students (as of 10/1/2017) Students with Home Language other than English: 320; 37.5% Students Reclassified as English Proficient (RFEP): 67; 7.9% Total Number of English Learners: 89 students; 10.4%
Home Languages at Green # of students % of enrolled students Home Languages of ELs # of ELs % of ELs 26+ languages 320 37.5% 20 languages 89 (10.4% enrolled ) Mandarin 85 10% 22 24.7% Telugu 41 4.8% 11 12.4% Hindi 29 3.4% Cantonese 10 11.2% 21 2.5% Hinidi 8 9% Tamil 19 2.2% Farsi 5 5.6% Punjabi 15 1.8% 4 4.5% Gujarati 1.3% Vietnamese Korean Arabic 3 .9% Russian Kannada Urdu Spanish Filipino (Tagalog) 2 Marathi 7 .8% 6 .7% 7 languages 1 each 1.1% 853
Parent Notification Letters and CELDT Results Give parents brochure. cde website
QUESTION #1 What is CELDT and its purpose?
PURPOSE Identify Determine proficiency level Monitor progress
What skills are tested on the CELDT? QUESTION #2 What skills are tested on the CELDT?
CELDT is a test of English skills in:
What are the levels of CELDT? QUESTION #3 What are the levels of CELDT?
COMING 2018! Fall 2017: CELDT only for initial identification Spring 2018: ELPAC Summative 2018–19: ELPAC fully operational (CELDT no longer administered)
Beginning Early Intermediate Intermediate Early Advance Advanced
What does support look like at my school site? Question #5: What does support look like at my school site?
LANGUAGE THROUGH CONTENT CONTENT THROUGH LANGUAGE ▶Both integrated and designated ELD are provided to English learners. ▶Integrated ELD is provided to ELs throughout the school day and across all subjects by all teachers of ELs. ▶Designated ELD is provided by skilled teachers during a protected time during the regular school day (classroom teacher and/or ELD Specialist) LANGUAGE THROUGH CONTENT CONTENT THROUGH LANGUAGE
Question #6: How does my student exit the ELD Program
Parent Involvement ELAC Meeting Dates: January, 2018; May, 2018 DELAC Meeting Dates: November 2nd, 2017 6:00-7:30pm District Office, Building C Parent workshop: October 4, 2017 6:00 pm—7:30 pm Wells Middle School MPR 6800 Penn Drive, Dublin CA 94568
Attendance Regular attendance is important. Absence 5 days or longer, request an independent study contract. Let’s review the school calendar when the holidays are. Please plan vacations accordingly.
Changes in ELD Specialist Placements in the District Green Elementary School will be welcoming a new ELD Specialist in the weeks to come. The Dublin Unified School District ELD and Intervention Coordinator, Shobha Tejwani, will be supporting the students and staff in the interim. I have truly enjoyed working with all the students, families and staff at Green Elementary School for the past three years, and will miss everyone. I will continue to work in the district, and hope to collaborate with the new ELD Specialist in the future. Please feel free to get in touch! Sarah Ansari, ELD Specialist
Green Elementary School Contact Information Sarah Ansari ELD Specialist Green Elementary School 925-833-4200 x6662