“English humor” Kravchuk Polina, 6-a
Contents: Introduction…………………………………………………………………………...3 Chapter I Teoretic………………………………………………......................4 1.1. Types of English humor…………………………………………………..4 1.2. Expressions of humor……………………………………………………..5 1.3 Representatives of humor……………………………………….........6 1.4 Examples of jokes……………………………………………………………8 Chapter II Practical………………………………………………………………….9 Conclusion References Appendix
representatives of humor Introduction expressions of humor types of English humor examples of jokes representatives of humor
1.1. Types of English humor
Types of English humor Dry sense of humor Elephant jokes Banana skin sense of humor Shaggy-dog stories
1.2. Expressions of humor Every day life Some films/tv programs Jokes Books
Representatives of humor
1.4 Examples of jokes What is your favorite music group? Girl: You would be a good dancer except for two things. Boy: What are the two things? Girl: Your feet. What is your favorite music group? - I love U2! - I love you too, but what is your favorite music group? The English lord leaves the house. The servant sees off him and asks: - The sir if the lady sends me for you, tell where you shouldn't be looked for?
What type of humor is it?
Conclusion In the first part of the report we have learned that the English humor shares on four types - elephant jokes, dry sense of humor, banana skin sense of humor and shaggy-dog stories. The whole world knows English comedians and writers Jimmy Karr, Mickey Flanagan or others, television shows, movies and books by much lighten mood. From the received information we can draw a conclusion that the English humor is the separate section of humor having its types, representatives and which is known the whole world. In the second part of the report we understood that the English humor is rather recognizable and popular among people of different age.
Questions 1) What animal is connected with types of English humor? Lion Elephant Cat Giraffe
What’s the surname of popular English stand-up comedian, called Jimmy? Carr Grott Zoll Hokk
3) What is *dry sense of humor*? Irony Silly jokes Jokes about the weather Sad jokes
4) People of what age understand English humor? 12 -15 30 – 40 People of different age Nobody
5) Write T (true) or F (false) 1. There are four types of humor ___ 2. Elephant jokes are jokes for foreigners ___ 3. Nobody in the whole world knows English comedians and writers ___ 4. English humor is the separate section of humor ___ 5. British humor lives everywhere ___
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