Children’s Services Plan Update


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Presentation transcript:

Children’s Services Plan Update Project Team Patricia Renfrew Morag Brown Sarah Griffin Emma Cameron Lynsey Munro Gerry Geoghegan

Children’s Services Plan Part One Background and Context

Children’s Services Plan Why? - Children & Young People Act (2014) How? - (Draft) Statutory Guidance on Part 3 – Children’s Services Planning Who? - Argyll and Bute’s Children has adopted a multiagency approach led by a project team to the creation and delivery of the CSP

Children’s Services Plan Preparation A CSP must be prepared with the intention to ensure that ‘children’s services’ in the area are provided in the way which: Best safeguards, supports and promotes the wellbeing of children Ensures that any action to meet needs is taken at the earliest appropriate time Ensures appropriate action is taken to prevent needs arising Is most integrated from the point of view of recipients Constitutes the best use of available resources Ensures that ‘related services’ are also provided in a way that safeguards, supports and promotes the wellbeing of children

Children’s Services Plan Content and Format The CSP should “tell a story” in order to help communities, staff and other stakeholders understand where the services provided in an area have come from and where they are heading

Children’s Services Plan Content and Format The CSP should contain the following: Clear priorities Specific and measurable objectives (linked to the priorities) Comprehensive baseline information (linked to the objectives) Valuable and practical content for day-to-day purposes of the services and professionals it relates to

Children’s Services Plan Content and Format The following elements are considered potentially helpful: Short-medium term ‘indicators of progress’ A description of how local priorities and objectives/‘indicators of progress’ link to the 8 well-being indicators Links to other associated local plans and reports e.g. Corporate parenting plan

Children’s Services Plan Content and Format In addition, the CSP must be: Produced every 3-years; with the first to be delivered on April 1st 2017 Published Sent to Ministers Sent to each of the service providers named Kept under review In a format which facilitates review, local accountability and annual reporting

Children’s Services Plan Engagement and Consultation The production of a CSP must involve each service provider and Scottish Ministers having an ‘effective opportunity’ to participate in and contribute to the preparation of the CSP. Such service providers or organisations may or may not be formally constituted and include, for example, community groups and 3rd or private sector organisations, pupil councils, school parent associations and social landlords.

Children Services Plan Engagement and Consultation Particular attention must be given to the views of children, young people and families (i.e. service users) in order to ensure that the CSP is informed by the opinions and experiences of these users/potential users of local services

Children’s Services Plan Part Two Third Sector Involvement

Children’s Services Plan Third Sector Involvement At Argyll and Bute’s Children and the subsequently at our meeting on the 3rd of March TSOs agreed to help with the development of case studies the organisation and delivery of 14 children/young people focus groups across all localities. Participants were to come from children and young people who engage with third sector provision

Children’s Services Plan Focus Group Method The facilitators pack provided included: Case studies Question sets Recording templates Hints and Tips Instructions Notes on the CPP Permission letter

Children’s Services Plan Focus Group Method Requirements: Focus group were asked to explore two cases studies Focus groups should lasted a maximum of one hour Templates were to be returned within a set timescale

Children Services Plan (CSP) Part Three Current Position and Next Steps

Children’s Services Plan Themes in the Data CYP Resources Early Intervention and Support Mental Health CYP Voice Employment Safety Education Substance Misuse Parenting Practitioners Resources Early Intervention and Support Mental Health Leadership and Communication Corporate Parenting CABD Parenting

Children’s Services Plan Themes in the Data CYP Resources Early Intervention and Support Mental Health CYP Voice Employment Safety Education Substance Misuse Parenting Practitioners Resources Early Intervention and Support Mental Health Leadership and Communication Corporate Parenting CABD Parenting

Strategic Priorities Strategic WBIs Priorities Getting it Right for Argyll and Bute’s Children Safe Healthy Achieving Nurtured Active Respected Responsible Included Strategic Priorities Early Intervention and Support Mental Health Children and Young People’s Voices Child Protection and Corporate Parenting Substance Misuse Leadership and Communication

Children’s Services Plan Third Sector Involvement It would be helpful to explore at some point What were the barriers to TSOs completing the focus group work? How might we remove those barriers? In what ways could TSOs be active in the development of the Children’s Services Plan? How should we proceed from this point?

Children’s Services Plan End of Presentation Thank you for your attention