DIABETES 10 POINT TRAINING Ruth Miller RGN BSc (Hons) MSc Lead Diabetes Nurse Poole Hospital Diabetes UK Clinical Champion
Becoming a Diabetes UK Clinical Champion… Ability to put diabetes on Trust agenda Conviction in own ability to make an impact Confidence in improving patient care & safety through training Ability to convince others of the imperative to improve care through training
Previous relevant experience in improving inpatient care 2013 Lean Healthcare Academy Award for Improving Services through Training & Development (as Clinical Lead and Lead DSN at RFH) Work involved implementation of ‘Diabetes Care Bundle’ to improve inpatient safety through intensive training of all patient-facing staff Audit results demonstrated 70% reduction in hypoglycaemia Increased self-reported confidence of nurses in managing inpatient diabetes
Diabetes 10 Point Training programmes Diabetes 10 Point Training (Inpatients) Diabetes 10 Point Training (Community Nurses) Diabetes 10 Point Training (Mental Health Workers)
What is it? A set of didactic instructions directed at clinicians giving care to patients with diabetes Objective: to improve quality of care and safety for all patients with diabetes Key principle: recognition that conflicting pressure on clinicians leave them with little time Training must be brief and pertinent
Diabetes 10 Point Training Mission Statement The aim of the Diabetes 10 Point Training is not to make experts of everyone managing diabetes but to ensure that all clinicians possess a set of core competencies in order to keep their patients safe
Diabetes 10 Point Training recognises that: Teams delivering care often have no access to real-time expertise Poor understanding of diabetes on wards Very complex patients have care delivered by non-experts Lack of access to diabetes education & training for front line clinicians Aim: that clinicians retain most important messages to keep patients safe
How is training delivered? Flexible to needs of departments / wards Opportunistic ward based training: one to one or in small groups Booked small group (ward based) training Whole workforce training: doctors, nurses and allied healthcare professionals Diabetes Awareness Week June 13th: Training sessions booked into main lecture theatre
What works well? Collaborating with front-line staff at ward level to improve care Adapting 10 Point Training to the specialty of the ward to ensure training is pertinent Staff able to bring in own case-studies and make learning relevant
Customised ward training examples: Acute Stroke Ward: training & discussion focus on management of tube fed patient on insulin Oncology Ward: training & discussion focus on management of the high dose steroids and hyperglycaemia Surgical Wards: training & discussion focus on the correct use of IV insulin
How do we know the training is effective? Pre & post training questionnaire on self-reported confidence in managing the 10 points NaDIA drug, prescription & administration errors Incidence of Serious Untoward Incidents (SUI)
Future developments Embed in hospital philosophy of care Make it mandatory Develop other educational formats e.g. online training/DVD Roll out Community Nurse 10 point training Finish work on 10 point training for Mental Health Workers